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Messages - tora1998

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:43:26 am »
you know if I really cared about you I would've said something other than this

General Discussions / Re: And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:39:04 am »
then you obviously don't have real friends

General Discussions / Re: And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:32:23 am »
I don't care at this point you jackass because blue is my friend and a friends bond is stronger than anything

General Discussions / Re: And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:24:40 am »
one final thing Koolio im calling you out on your own bullshit you hipocryticall asshole

General Discussions / Re: And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:20:15 am »
BTW i chose to post it for blue, real friends stick together and resect each other, i know the consiquences for posting this, and if your couragus post your opinion too -tora1998

General Discussions / And Another Thing by bluedudex2 and tora1998
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:04:30 am »
A message from blue: The point of the post was to knock some sense in you.  I knew before hand that I would get banned but what is better, stay silent and basically admit that the Holocaust is about bringing people to the holy land? no, I was taught to speak up for what's right, i do agree that people change history but the Holocaust is one of those things you can't make up.  There is tons of proof, i'm german, and my grandpa was forced into being a nazi and he said it was horrible.  you once were a friend koolio, but im starting to think that your letting the power go to your head, but i wont be sucked into lies, it IS lies no matter what you say or post, i also have a problem because that sign is a constant reminder of my heritage, and i get made fun of it constantly.

Remember Absolute power is absolute curruption, curruption leads to down fall, this is true and you can see it in history, modern history even, and if you let it go to your head and continue, it will be the server's downfall.

Sorry for ending it sour but i had to do it.  From an old friend, blue

A message from Tora: first off I would like to state that you took it too far the holocaust was a tragic event that scarred the lives of thousands of people. Now im not saying that im protecting Blue here but he raises a valid point, there is a line that you don't cross and for a lot of people I imagine you crossed it. Also I have sat idly by while the most screwed up things have happened to this server wether it be the change in owners at some point or some unruly shithead that believed it was fun to screw with people but that ends now im sick and tired of being that guy that wants to help you silentely out of the goodness of my heart and then have nothing to show for it. I was helping you once but now I think it's time to return the favor just bring blue back and patch things up. I mean seriously your gonna ban him just for STANDING UP FOR WHAT HE BELIEVES IN?! im pretty sure that makes you a little bit worse than us. And banning him for what he believes in makes you a hipocrit because you believe differantly and your standing up for it

==== P.s. for those who dont know a open letter is a letter that addresses a person or people that is opened for public to view


Announcements / Re: iQuit - The official server end announcement
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:00:55 am »
koolio i dont think this is the end hell someone has to take on the server at some point we just gotta wait but if theres one thing i know its that this server will be a second home for me and i think for everybody that played on it

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