Some things I need to say about this server
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Author Topic: Some things I need to say about this server  (Read 17242 times)


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Some things I need to say about this server
« on: February 17, 2018, 01:41:26 am »
Kraftzone has been a huge part of my childhood. I've played since I think 2012, for a pretty long time. I remember looking up to Koolio and ytsen as some kind of cool, older kids in the schoooyard. I'm sorry if I was an annoying kid and thanks for putting up with me, heh.

This was the first online community I was a part of. I'm certain that with the amount of talking I was doing(which was definetly some pretty stupid stuff, as my post history here suggests) you guys had a pretty big impact on me learning English, as it's my second language.

But the important thing is that I have some beautiful memories here. Like all the towns or creations I built. I remember taking a stroll through ytsen's Highmore, being absolutely amazed at how marvelous this town was. This ofcourse led to me making him build me houses. I know I've angered him pretty badly once, but I was unsure if that's what was really going on, because I was a stupid kid and I didn't understand what he was saying very well. And I know I didn't stop then, lol. I was going to list more memories but most of them involve annoying different people, haha. Sorry!

I don't know if any of you remember me, but if Koolio does, I would be pretty happy. It was a long time ago and Kraftzone has a special place in my heart. Bye!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 01:45:57 am by Lightah »


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2018, 08:36:28 pm »
Hey Lightah.. nice of you to share that.

If you didn't have any posts on the forum I probably wouldn't have remembered you as much, though I'd recognize your name for sure :)

It maybe unsurprising but the players I remember the most (who I didn't talk to as much) were usually the ones that caused some drama or trouble and had arguments with other players etc  ...only because I'd be more involved in those things, while most players on the server that didn't really need much help from me are probably not as known as much unless you mentioned more about what you built, town or certain events etc... Still I know for sure most enjoyed the server, contributed to the map building history, read and said stuff in the chat at the time, made new friends and saw things that will stay with them in that hazy nostalgia of a time and place they were part of in some way, so thank you for being a part that KZ experience.

And yeh ytsens builds were really good, he set some high standards for players to look upto in building among a few others aswel, I spent considerable time on the server he used to play on before starting Kraftzone and then getting him on here, as they say its not the land or place its the certain kind of people that make a place great, and those sorts of people are few and far between and hard to find these days.

It was a long time ago and Kraftzone has a special place in my heart.

#metoo  :P If KZ didn't rapture your mind and plant memories that you can remember in the future with whatever happens in life (and maybe it might help to have those good memories in ways you don't expect or understand now).. then you missed something special and you didn't.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 08:38:23 pm by Koolio »


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2018, 10:20:29 pm »
y - it was a nice minecraft-time at all some years ago... i will start playing again. For me, since 7D2D was getting bigger, Minecrafts seems to become 2nd place for Koolio. I liked his portable Launcher(the one and only real portable launcher on the earth). So i could easily help, setup and manage my friends minecraft. Scool took a lot of time and the rest of the life, too. But now i am feeling a little of the feelings some years ago. But i know that i don´t get this feeling back again. I was another person and it was another time. I am planning to reacitive some of my friends. But they aren´t playing something at all. Hope i can reactivate them and having some next years of minecraft-feelings.

thx Koolio - thx Minecraft-Community!


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2018, 07:51:58 pm »
For me, since 7D2D was getting bigger, Minecrafts seems to become 2nd place for Koolio.

Yeh that is true I did start spending more time playing on that game and working on the kz 7dtd server, still it was always 2nd to the minecraft community of this server really.

I liked his portable Launcher(the one and only real portable launcher on the earth)

Thanks, I think most software/games should be developed with end user portability in mind.. and crossplatform if possible... it gives the end user more control to do things the way they want to without being restricted to the limited design of said application. Most developers solve the portability issue with just storing all your save/personalization etc files in a cloud ie there servers.. which only solves one part of problem and is not always what it is wanted by the end user anyway. Because it still leaves things to be annoyingly difficult for the end user to have true portability with the app itself etc.

I was another person and it was another time. I am planning to reacitive some of my friends. But they aren´t playing something at all. Hope i can reactivate them and having some next years of minecraft-feelings.

Well good luck with that, you might be a little disappointed  :)


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2018, 10:38:10 am »
Ye, it seems as though criminals and radical thinkers get the most attention/movies made out of them. I do remember you though lightah. It's also names that are significantly different or shorter that we remember most. You'd remember "ytsen13" better than you would "cowboybob375628"

And ytsen is still alive and well, I follow him on Instagram, always posting pictures of the beautiful buildings of the city he lives in.

We should do a "where are they now" post as a joke for the more memorable members. Like ie: narutoitachi is a collegeboy or kottelainen is now an on the run serial killer
I cant really build anything.


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2018, 01:42:01 pm »
Well I'm glad ytsen is alive. Hope all of you are doing well :)


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Re: Some things I need to say about this server
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2018, 06:09:19 am »
No one can forget me lol. Always starting shit lol.