Kraftzone has been a huge part of my childhood. I've played since I think 2012, for a pretty long time. I remember looking up to Koolio and ytsen as some kind of cool, older kids in the schoooyard. I'm sorry if I was an annoying kid and thanks for putting up with me, heh.
This was the first online community I was a part of. I'm certain that with the amount of talking I was doing(which was definetly some pretty stupid stuff, as my post history here suggests) you guys had a pretty big impact on me learning English, as it's my second language.
But the important thing is that I have some beautiful memories here. Like all the towns or creations I built. I remember taking a stroll through ytsen's Highmore, being absolutely amazed at how marvelous this town was. This ofcourse led to me making him build me houses. I know I've angered him pretty badly once, but I was unsure if that's what was really going on, because I was a stupid kid and I didn't understand what he was saying very well. And I know I didn't stop then, lol. I was going to list more memories but most of them involve annoying different people, haha. Sorry!
I don't know if any of you remember me, but if Koolio does, I would be pretty happy. It was a long time ago and Kraftzone has a special place in my heart. Bye!