Pretty bad grief on server
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Pretty bad grief on server
« on: August 10, 2017, 08:51:22 am »
Hello, long time no speak. Hows everyone doing? I was recently on the KZ server just checking out some old buildings. I went to the spawn under the castle the one we all made and it was completely destroyed. I've been on periodically throughout the last two months just playing around showing my friends some buildings and when i went there today everything was trashed. The entire spawn was blown up and water everywhere and a lot of the structures completely destroyed The log block said it was SirManSheep. He is a support on the server. It said it was done on 7/30 so about ten days ago. Koolio if you're not to busy and have some extra time, maybe i can help you fix that area if you'd like.

I hope everyone is doing well


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2017, 03:55:30 pm »
Not on the server, your shit built world edit spawn, in which i helped built some of the pillars and you dident give me credit. Everyone else got credit except me. Even koolio(he did work on it to with voxel but i did too!!!!), like fuck you alcoholic  coming and bothering people on the server, All the pain i feel is for the possibiltiy of koolio bringing back your copied buildings, and even hurting whatever senpai/zking built. Fuck yourself  with the remaining blocks in that shitthole spawn. I must have clicked someone by accident but its alright gotta let em know some how hahahaha! needed to start some drama with the bois who get drunk/acts all that plus with sea always having his nose up somebody ass. Serioulsy save your i hope everyone is doing well, not me i know you fucking drunk moron. 

I mean; thats what it is; mean. I dont have a right to do that, but then again i did! Just like i could have gotten drunk and trolled the rest of the players off the server, or continually popped up bothering them, like they want some annoying cow who gives them diamond blocks trolling them(you did this to me WITH johnny(idk if he was staff but he was a dis cow runing around with you!)) So you group of faggot trolls can eat a dick(like i already assume). Plus you told me "you dont want a problem with me" your right... until you copied my actions like a monkey trying to blow up a glitched item frame, froze my computer screen and i /killed your ass. So you act like its the end of the world over a fucking "kill" command? Okay, you got a problem then you worthless puddle of piss. Seriously i told you i wasent fully awake after a shallow slumber, like seriously? mention my name 3 times, and that kott wasnent doing anything back then. Fuck you man ill never like you, not even the first second you popped into my sugarcane cave as a fat ugly fucking cow. Just a drunk baffoon trying to sell KZ on t shirts nobody in their right mind would dare to buy. Pepsi i take back what i had said, be anything you like! except an alcoholic coming on KZ drunk lol!

Go fuck yourself man, i wouldent hurt anything else on KZ except whatever the "virus" players have touched(hehe sorry Koolio! blew up the 1.8 spawn to!), i mean that shit doesent belong at skyspawn, belongs in the nether somewhere. Its fucking WE trash except for the statues Z built. Why he moved them out and to his location! You guys fucking suck! that doesent belong at sky spawn, let alone you act like shit for KZ yet its should a vanity you show to your friends. I shouldent destroy stuff its clear the griff but really, why the fuck is it in skyspawn if it dont serve no purpose other then sitting around like a piece of shit waiting the be cleaned up. Really thats not even going to be the new spawn, just something else sad to make your own ambitions go high with copied buildings from youtube builders. Awesome! 

Seriously? Now youve actually made me feel bad. Koolio waste his good time, on your worthless fucking scuzz you could probably rebuild better. Sad.

PS. the 1.8 spawn i blew up simply because it was nothing but a controversy to any players who had seen it and known it was prebuild, was a constant down on KZ. Could have planted some flowers and a shit house would have done better.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 04:49:36 pm by RGB Sheepman »


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2017, 04:24:11 pm »
I have to admit it was wrong, but i couldent help it!
I litterally laughed my fucking ass off the whole time XD XD XD XD  that was funny!


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2017, 07:35:38 pm »
There a few things i'd like to address. I'm not going to argue with you because this isn't worth it. First off none of those buildings are copied, I spent many hours with you and zking and sea and koolio building those. Second, i just said we all built it. Everyone gets credit. You get credit. Also i'm aware that it isn't the "New spawn". Its just a spawn we  all built including you. I thought it was a good build. If you don't think so then fine, i wont argue with you.

You also keep calling me an alcoholic and seem to have a general hostile behavior towards myself. Look i don't drink.. don't smoke. Don't do anything anymore.

Also I'd like to apologize to you Sheep. I'm truly sorry for anything that I've done to you. Honestly i am truly sorry. I hope that you can move on and stop holding onto this stuff. I truly just wish you the best man.

I'd really like to show you a Roman Empire i Built! Maybe it'll prove i'm a decent builder to you...But if not totally fine i'm not stressing.
Anyways  Hope to talk some more and hopefully we can resolve this.


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 09:08:12 pm »
It wasent bad in all honestly, i dont think all the builds where at all copied, some i did think were a little excess used so its kinda like eh but overall it wasent a bad spawn. Like the middle platform i did think was kind of over used. There was alot of nice things about it that i felt bad, like the dam,  one of the big structors, even alot of stuff, it wasent a bad place really just; Just the houses repetitive, fact you gave credit the world edit (lol really even to world edit, not me) was you, koolio, johnny, sea, zking/senpai and that was the main contributors. We know were it goes from here for me ;( but oh well. 

I dont mean to be so harsh on you and the build really wasent bad at all, but just something about a corny statue (not one you built or sea, zking me or koolio) Johnny though, like dude(johnny) your +1 other's issue is through the roof dog. Like senpai builds one, and yet you got to retailate with a smaller, more crappy pre-built version that actually makes me think that the spawn is processed, because the statue is. Cant make an organic salad with processed parts. Like damn man one putting his heart/soul out and yet johnny just putting out the youtube vids, tryin to get dat trophy. Like damn bro not on the build!! Seriously why right afterward i incinerated the 1.8 spawn. Its just grotesque. Make me so sick i wanted to fuckin vomit. Its sad really, but why the statue? i originally destroyed that and had a laugh, but soon after looking around reading, i got a little angry and you know the rest. Really you and sea arent bad builders at all i will disclaim and depending on time and effort have gotten alot better i am sure. But this is why i say it was a "youtube vid"copied spawn rofl!!

(i mean; in that spawn is this not similar to what was built?)

But it just made me think of broken zones, ambitons places that arent anymore, sure its a good built i dident destroy the KZ "there" hehe i couldent. But makes me sad there is no players there anymore. I do understand its best to move on, but more i see it zone can last life times easily. Just like old structors dont have to be torn away but about keeping it preserved and those who care about its worth. Its not easy though, its only concluded that a team (real) would be needed to keep Kz alive and a real server, and thats not easy/cheap.

Really i dont have all that much,other then the whole /kill thing(more went into a forum post), then the time with the bk argument, a bit more best discussed otherwise. Pissed me off lots, in which seems like there things on the "back burner" people dont talk about; leading to problems.  Never ment to be hurtful to an extend but really, i just dident feel good about those things and how time passes by with them on here. Better buried but nah, rather till the dirt of zone, even in the works of Koolios new element.  Wasent right to tear it apart ;( but i just got pissed at few people, things old times, just like the generic spawn people would log on to zone and laugh at. Made me sad. its just how it is though, doing that to the spawn wasent really just toward you, how feel towards somethings at zone, particularly others. Not all, but really i do believe zone could be better but i mean even like this it wont be.

All in all, i believe i could have worked it out better then this(few other things, like everyone getting credit, even for the cloned statue but me!) , but really that statue pissed me off something fierce!! so really not to be harsh toward you, its not personal at all just angry about shit like that.


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2017, 11:43:03 pm »
  I'm not mad at what you did. You feel very deeply for this server and obviously you felt some injustice with it all. I can see from your point of view and i understand. You deserve a ton of credit dude. You've made some really awesome stuff and have helped others and myself more than anyone could ask for.

As for any arguments, or beef we've had in the past. I apologize. These things are certainly not worth dwelling on and holding anymore resentment. They just simply aren't worth the time and effort for any parties involved.

I've grown up a lot. I've experienced really bad times and really good times. When we were all playing i was around 15 or so i cannot sit here today and say I'm the same person i used to be. I'm 22 now. I learnt that a big part of forgiving others is also learning to forgive your self and not allowing the past to have control of our present.

I'm totally fine with everything that has happened. Its just a building, and it can always be made bigger and better. I don't in all honesty even expect koolio to fix it, he's put up with a lot of my bullshit and for that I'm sorry to him for having even had to deal with some of the things I've put him through. I don't expect sympathy either.

And for the last thing. That dragon zking built is WAY cooler than the dragon johnny built. I don't think anyone could kid them self's of that haha. It's just time to move on from all that old baggage man just let it go. Trust me no body in this big world of ours is worth your stress and resentment.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 12:00:44 am by woombo23 »


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2017, 01:06:23 am »
Well looks like ^^^ that's all cleared up then, sheepman really gets into things and he don't hold back :D sheepman you ok man? you been really throwing things up on kz history and getting things off your chest lately.

As for the mess of the spawn area, I wasn't aware of it so its good you mentioned it woombo. Because I might have removed the older world backups and replaced them with the newer backups I did late last month. So I'll be sure the keep the older backups of the worlds aswel.. but  if it was from ""said it was done on 7/30 so about ten days ago. "" then I think its fine as I backed it up before that date, and I did mention in the shoutbox that was it was going down end of the month, so sheepman was probably just blowing off some steam :D

Strangely it seems the server is up still though, which it shouldn't be... I've been away all week and figured it would be offline now as it was meant to expire end of last month, I guess it might still have another month to go that was already paid for ,I'll have to check now.

In anycase I don't see the point in the time to do any restore on it as it wasn't even meant to be online right now. ..which is actually good I might have another use for server which I didnt think I would when I cancelled it.... I finally got around to adding the start of a multiplayer implementation in a new game I've been working on, I'll post about it that later sometime when its a bit more complete.


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2017, 06:03:50 pm »
Honestly, its been alot to discuss. Its others game i used to play, and similar problems(not the exact same but similar things), and just the games directions and it really bothers me. Ill admit that its personal to some just because i do blame the last "few support" so to speak for some things, including my self. We can all do better ill admit, i mean theres more to zone ofcourse but its just pained me to be apart of things that arent exactly helpful/good memorys.

Like even though we all built it yeah, the fact my name wasent on a credit board in the spawn did anger me since its hard to take if it was a personal thing or not; in which that matter is a whole as its own which does include woombo, but maybe not to extent/understanding i may believe. It just made me feel left out really, no care for credit, like damn push me away from here though it was all us. Hurt really. PS: I do apologize for the alcohol statements, (i mean even the trolling, i hold it to an esteem of it being some of the problem of SUPPORT BUDDIES! though you were a staff, some difference look how kott was why i say it always)  But the statements about you being drunk honestly hold it because of just that a time awhile back, really just because it was like the last few players we had on the server, and you came by and terrorized them. Ill admit it was hilarious but sad because it was like that shit they could easily never come back or just come to hate this server. 

All in all, i am mad at a few of you guys, and ill say to that pepsi he got a little bit of it, since i mean i really was mad at you guys basically even the day Koolio promoted you(woombo) were promoted and sea was also, johnny had his support and i was so happy; until everyone started acting like shits. Lol then i was like "smh why be happy?". Its like damn not even a day i got to regret feeling good about something, and its funny it was the same way with kott. Felt happy for someone, was let down. I wonder if that will be the last two times i regret being happy for someone? not. But its why i hold it, might not be relevant all to these days, but it means something overall! even if kz was a game; is the logic devised not working? are we not using time(money) to play the game? are we not litterally using are real essensence to make something? thats just were i always have seen games, as more then games. Why i dont forget things atleast to moderation, its like if we dident hold are mistakes/memorys to some extent we would all be cavemen learning how to light a fire to learn how to not burn ourselves. I mean its a bit different here, but ill explain.

Just recent games overall have brought back some old memorys, thoughts and such. Old games i played long before Kz. Im battling some people/ even the game team developers there to make sure they get there poo poo together and not make any bad updates to the game!!! Its a longstory in its self but its been a rough one! iv had to tell them they are smoking/exposed to chemicals because of the ideas they are producing!  So just being here and destroying stuff, even just dealing with old memorys(because i have been dealing with some there ofcourse) around the game so its just been rough overall. Could just leave it all behind, easily move on. But what the fun-- well not all fun :( as just concluding to reality as it may be. Atleast just to some of my own thoughts, but just to say somethings arent healthy to games, in which then depends on what the vector of the game is. Overall im just pissed about alot of things, and have been taking some out here but also because i want Zone to be amazing!!!! I mean Koolio you are the main but really its up to us all to help, even in just small ways to make it amazing though ranting isent the helpfulist thing really about my own wont help but i just want to set the record straight, espeically about things that were very bad to a server which it was a game; but they were real actions that were not exactly friendly or helpful. Been doing it alot, people dont like it! but whats gotta be! 


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Re: Pretty bad grief on server
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2017, 05:37:57 pm »
Lol its woombo