Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoy it being back up. It's nice to know some players had that sort of attachment to the server. It means putting back up wasn't completely for nothing
As I have noticed many old players have hopped on it but everyone doing so at different times so its pretty empty most the time, I think at most its had like 5ppl on it at one time including myself so new record for the server

I'm not sure if that can be changed as I said before I don't plan on running it like I used to, doing the server voting thing etc, so its pretty much down to old players to use it or bring in new players to have a small group to play with on it for now anyway.. dunno if that might change later.
Update of the server to the latest mc version maybe next weekend, I plan on making most the worlds creative with just one survival world, and very likely bring in plot world with worldedit access depending on what plugins are still working for mc.. not really looked. Removing many of plugins that are no longer used like world portals at spawn as they were tied to using bungeecord and are broken now. So simplifying it down to just creative worlds with portals to the old worlds.. and adjusting all the old perms, may even remove the player ranks as they are less relevant now
Even I was a bit lost on all the commands needed to know to get to places.. so the spawn world does need an update if anyone wants to help with that let me know.