Current Version: v0.3.99

What's coming up in the next release]
- Gui pointers for showing where a snowball is offscreen (at least if its grown to a certain size)
Download Links]
Windows 64bit: OSX: -
Linux: -
If you wanna test OSX or Linux (and I will eventually need testers for those platforms) let me know and I'll do build for those aswel.
[Changelog]v0.3.99- Check Snowballs out of interaction area will lose arrow indicator and change color
- Building Test checker button attributes added
- FastLineRenderer Update
- Snowball Arrow hover timer
- Snowball Indicator Arrows Added
- 'More console commands added prefix: cn_ '
- Suggestion commands tab/tab+shift now cycle extra commands.
- Version entry class changed
- Voxel codebase updated
- Blue back hitblocker enabled again
- Voxel Atlas texture /filter-trilinear/mip mapping/ changes (less blurry at distances)
- Voxel Atlas texture saved to resource folder
- Updated Unity to 5.6b9
- Added LoadingScreen, multiscene handling loading code mostly done.
- Time of day color changes
v0.3.60- Snowballs now have splat decals

- it snowed here over the week, so I been making snowballs and taking photos of splattered ones to get the right texturing on them.. have a few more to do still for variation, doing the normal maps for them is annoying.
- Release build -50% filesize.. turns out shader compilation was chewing up 60mb when I only about needed 2mb for Anti Aliasing and Ambient Occlusion.
- Instead of "set <blocktype>" you can use any of these..
set .set thisset selectedThe command will use whatever block you have selected in the inventory or quickslot bar as the fill block.
- Improved inventory styling, functionality and bugfixes, can also select items via mouse now.
- Added Move command to VoxEdit
Move <count> [direction - Leave empty for camera facing direction]v0.3.56 - 3d block texture exporter now with proper transparency so inventory icons don't look as shit.
- minor tweaks.
[Past versions]Windows 64bit: Windows 64bit: Windows 64bit: Windows 64bit: Windows 64bit: (This version is comically bad, has a stupid bug along with snowballs growing in size very fast!)
Warning this game is alpha as fuck and as such you will probably not be able to handle playing with it for more than 5mins, expect bugs, expect stupid shit to happen, expect graphics to be bleh.
Also the game does not come with any buildings etc to destroy... its a little underwhelming, you'll have to make your own stuff to destroy for now, so if you are bored with it in less than 5mins well it's because you just aren't using your imagination... so just imagine it being 10x (100x) better than it is actually is right now ok

Controlling the wind and playing God with Hail... is a little difficult to get right in a 3d space when you can rotate around the scene aswel, so I've left the debug lines in so you can get an idea of what you're controlling and how the interaction is sort of working.. this is the most problematic area of trying to get right with this game and I have a few ideas and things I plan on implementing to improve it.. though its also an area of the game I may end up scrapping. More on this in another topic -read to the bottom of this post.
[All gamemodes]The game is currently a sandbox with no actual gameplay modes, level progression or multiplayer working yet. However you can switch between the 2 camera modes freely (yay fun right

) ...
F3 - Cycle gamemode (City/Snow camera, Editor/Creative voxel camera, (& coming soon Fps camera))
D - Classic movements keys, works a little different in City/Snow camera, as the camera points to center of the world, and WASD are used to rotate & zoom in/out. In the Edit Camera its sort of creative/fly movement.
----This feature will be disabled in Alpha release (though may add console command to enable it later) ----
Currently only supported on Windows platform aswel, but ffmpeg does work on Linux and i think OSX,
F1 - This saves to disk the last (currently: 15seconds) of past gameplay to disk, invokes ffmpeg to encode to mp4/webm
F2 - This enables/disables recording gameplay... minor +5ms frame delay with it enable, delay scales with resolution size.. lower res = faster screen encoding per frame.
--------[Edit Camera/Creative]----------
Whatever you do, don't build anything you care about not losing in game.. While the export/import worldedit stuff is sorta working its also subject to change, meaning exported stuff will likely be lossed until things are finalized. I'll edit this when things are done in that regard. As a note the snowballs will likely smash your stuff up anyway, they can be disabled for breaking voxel blocks though.
Hold RMB +move mouse = Look around, use movement keys to yknow move.
MouseWheel Up/
Down = Switches position and item selected on the quickslot gui
LMB = Places the active block that is selected on the quickslot gui
LMB = Removes blocks
MMB= Selects the current block type the block select is on.
Q = Explodes voxel blocks (temporary fun thing for now)
E = Toggles Inventory screen (editor/fps mode only) --Unfinished/Not fully working, the quickslot may end up being used in the Citycam as a way to select different Wind effects/abilities/spells that sort of thing.
Use the console for all worldedit commands, similar to worledit for mc (pretty much all commands and the way it works is the same)
Though I have added my own keybinds for quicker set positioning....
LMB = Sets worldedit Pos1 position.
RMB = Sets worldedit Pos2 position.
Shift+LMB+RMB = Will remove both Pos1 & Pos2, and also the visual cuboid grid lines. (Todo)
~ = Console key, for full list of all console commands you can type "list"
Down = without any command entered will cycle through past history of commands entered, quick to redo a command again.
Down = with a partial command entered that shows similar commands you can cycle to complete command
Tab = Works same as above when pressing Down arrow.
set <block type> example usage:
set pos1,
set pos2,
set stoneCurrent <block type(s)> available....
cloth_yellowundo, redo = (minor bug to be sorted out when undo'ing all WE operations, and then doing 'redo' it will do nothing the first time, then 2nd time it will work as expected - a known bug

A full list of all the current console commands...
copy - Copy a selection.cut - Cuts a selection.e_time - Time since launching gamee_timescale - Game Time (0f=Paused - 1f=Realtime) \ Default: 1fflip - Flip <v or h> \ Flip a selection [v]ertically/[h]orizontally help - Show help on how to use the consolehelplist - Quick shortcut to full command listline - Line <blockType> \ Draws a line from pos1 to pos2. load - Load <filename> \ Loads a voxel selection. move - Move <count> [direction - Leave empty for camera facing direction]paste - Pastes a selection.pos1 - Set position 1 & 2, other voxel commands use these positions to fill area inbetween.pos2 - Set position 1 & 2, other voxel commands use these positions to fill area inbetween.quit - Quits the application.r_anisotropicfiltering - Anisotropic filtering (0=Off,1=Per Texture, 2=ForcedOn \ Default: 1r_antialiasing - AntiAlasing (0=Off,1=2x,2=4x,3=8x) \ Default: 0r_particleraycastlimit - Particle Raycastlimit 'collision detection limit' (0-4096)r_quality - Preset levels(0=Low - 5=Fantastic) \ Default: 4r_shadowsdistance - Shadow distance (0-10000, 2000+ is high)r_texturequality - Texture Resolution (0-FullRes,1=HalfRes,2=Terrible,3=Minecraft bad)r_vsync - Vsync count (0=Off, 1=On, 2=Every 2nd VBlank) \ Default: 0redo - Redo the last voxel worldedit opperation.rotate - Rotate 90 | rotate 180 \ Rotate a selection save - Save <filename> \ Saves a cut or copied block selectionset - SetBlock <x, y, z>[optional], blocktype \ Setblock stone | Setblock 1 1 1 stonesize - Shows selection size info.stack - Stack <amount> <direction> [direction = me] \ Stack 5 | Stack 5 uptime - Time since launching gametimescale - Game Time (0f=Paused - 1f=Realtime) \ Default: 1fundo - Undo the last voxel worldedit opperation.
Undo [l]ist - shows number of undo/redo stacks, Undo [c]lear - clears undo/redo stacks, Undo [h]elp - shows thisv_copy - Copy a selection.v_cut - Cuts a selection.v_flip - Flip <v or h> \ Flip a selection [v]ertically/[h]orizontally v_line - Line <blockType> \ Draws a line from pos1 to pos2. v_load - Load <filename> \ Loads a voxel selection. v_move - Move <count> [direction - Leave empty for camera facing direction]v_paste - Pastes a selection.v_pos1 - SetBlock <x, y, z>[optional], blocktype \ Setblock stone | Setblock 1 1 1 stonev_pos2 - SetBlock <x, y, z>[optional], blocktype \ Setblock stone | Setblock 1 1 1 stonev_redo - Redo the last voxel worldedit opperation.v_rotate - Rotate 90 | rotate 180 \ Rotate a selection v_save - Save <filename> \ Saves a cut or copied block selectionv_saveworld - Save voxelworld datav_setblock - SetBlock <x, y, z>[optional], blocktype \ Setblock stone | Setblock 1 1 1 stonev_size - Shows selection size info.v_stack - Stack <amount> <direction> [direction = me] \ Stack 5 | Stack 5 upv_undo - Undo the last voxel worldedit opperation.
Undo [l]ist - shows number of undo/redo stacks, Undo [c]lear - clears undo/redo stacks, Undo [h]elp - shows thisvolume Changes the volume, value between 0 and 1More will be added for changing gameplay, graphics, engine stuff as time goes on. If you press F6 (to save config) and then look for a file called config.json in same directory as the game exe .. open with notepad++ and you will see a lot of extra options for controlling gameplay (ie just the snowballs) .. use F5 to reload the config, warning you can mess this up (just delete it and restart game and it will be restored to default)
[Things Todo]
Well this is a never ending list really, both of little things and much larger things to be added and improved. I'm going to leave at this for now. And start another topic later on what what I have planned and the direction the game is likely to take or not

Also with more of a list of where things are at in development progress right now. I am aware of a lot of the bugs and missing features though putting a list of those thing will be done later.
This topic can be used for feedback, bug reports or just post another topic, I'll be updating and editing this as I put new releases out, and eventually ..*cough* on the things todo; a launcher with auto updating of the game files when a new build is out etc so you won't need to check this topic for the latest download and changelog updates.
To sum up the purpose of this alpha is really just collecting feedback, thoughts, bug reports, anything you feel like adding.. if you find its just naff and no gameplay that's fine your opinion on it matters and will be duly noted. Constructive criticism, thoughts and ideas about what you would like to see... it helps me prioritize which areas I work on fixing and improving with the game.