∆ What can I say...
KraftZone Server: mc.kraftzone.tk


Author Topic: ∆ What can I say...  (Read 29354 times)


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∆ What can I say...
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:43:11 pm »
It has been a journey....  funtimes have been had, creative towns and buildings have been made and lots drama has happened....To all those that were part of the history of Kraftzone and mainly its minecraft server....

Thank you all.

..where it all began years ago.

As sad as it is to end the server, somethings are what you all make of them, and for me their isn't enough reason to continue it any longer like this. It is disappointing, and I know some of you will miss it, but for me it is time to move on.

So the server will go down on Monday, a final backup will happen on Friday. For the minecraft server /maps(excluding some plugins) will have download links, not sure yet if they will be public, or if I will just be giving those out on request next week.

I do still plan to keep the website/teamspeak going, Kraftzone may still rise again for another journey perhaps with its own game who knows.

∆ You can't truly miss what you have never had or experienced, but those who have, I hope they were all good memories ;D


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2015, 04:57:43 pm »
Koolio, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you've done for the server. Especially in the days I was active.

I've had a lot of fun playtime on this unique server. It is sad to see the server ending, but hey, Koolio, you have to move on indeed, and for the rest, you have to move on aswel. Just hold these memories in your heart and embrace them.

Thank you for the great time I had!

My personal memories:
- The town I made with CottonEyeJoe, or KingFluffy, it is all the same
- Blue mountain, a giant mountain with a dam
- The mountainhouse, with its own village
- The modern town
- Some shitty place somewhere
- The islands with KingFluffy
- The garden of the big castle
- Some maze area
- A big house with cool looking garden
- lots more I can't name
- Lots of players, friends and not so good friends :D

Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.

Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.

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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2015, 12:10:49 am »
I feel very sad to be writing this but I think it’s for the better.

Koolio I just wanted to one thank you so much for being one of the best server owners I have ever met! And two thank you so much for putting up with all my bullshit :p. You have made me become more responsible and made me learn how to deal and work with others a lot better.
I just wanted to thank you so much for allowing me to finally receive the ranks that I have tried to obtain and work hard for.
You have allowed me to meet many people who I look up to and still talk to from time to time. I will never forget kraftzone. It has been my go to server since I was told about it and I don’t regret ever spending time on it. You are one of the many people I would like to meet one day and just say thank you so much for all you have done.
You have allowed me to grow up and better myself a lot. You are the best server owner I have ever meet and wish kraftzone didn’t have to end but I hope that one day I get to play a game that you program yourself.

Good bye KraftZone, you will forever be missed 
Johnny- you little shit I always looked up to you and your rank. We had a lot of fun times xD 2op4everyone. Feel free to message me on skype anytime you need :)
Woombo23-BBQ  I will miss you and your bullshit, I will need to talk to you on facebook or something. Keep in touch
SirMrManSheep- Sheeeeeepy :D I will miss you a lot! You and all your redstone I hope one day we can play koolios own game together
Hi123_34- loool we hatted you so much in factions xD we thought you hacked and then we finally fucked you guys over and took over the end and your base in the strong hold (I know it wasn’t you but yeah that’s how I remembered you) but srsly I will never forget your crazy ass and all the bullshit we did together. You have my skype message me anytime
Kott- You crazy child. I still think you belong in a mental asylum but idk, guess they haven’t caught you yet :P
Voz- you’re jusy as crazy as kott but I mean I feel like everyone I have talked to that’s been on Kraftzone is always unique and special. hehe
Senpai_sensai- you're an amazing builder and i hope that one day i join a server and see that you built it and made money :) your an amazing guy and i hope your schooling goes well!

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Please feel free to add me on skype (supbrandon1) OR http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198098601166/

If you want my skype message me on the forums and I will most likely give you my username :)

« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 12:25:43 am by seaofpain »


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2015, 03:11:47 am »
A lot of you may not know me but I came here about a year ago and have completely loved it. Iv'e come to look up to Koolio, SeaOfPain, Woombo, Sheep and many others. And on Sunday I hope everyone but Kott will come to the server for the lag fest Kz needs to go out with a happy bang
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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2015, 04:37:30 am »
Definitively the best community I've had the pleasure to know. Kraftzone was an amazing server, with an amazing admin. RIP in peace.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2015, 10:17:44 am »


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2015, 11:14:56 pm »
Really is a shame I couldn't give kz one last shot but my pc is broken. Kraftzone is a legend, and I've told my story before so I'll keep this short. We all knew this day was coming maybe we didn't expect it but it was inevitable. But this isn't goodbye, its just a new chapter in the life of kraftzone. The definition of kraftzone isn't Minecraft, perhaps in the beginning it was, but what kraftzone truly is, is the community that creates it, that belongs to it. It is something special to me, a virtual life that I have lived and will continue to live. It is sad yes but we will see each other in a new world, one that isn't pixelated and full of everlasting bugs. I'd like to very deeply say thank you Koolio providing such an amazing place to play and spend time with all of the amazing people that make up kz. Also i would like to say how honored i was to be part of the staff team. And for giving me an excuse to not do my homework :D So everybody, its not goodbye, but cya later
I cant really build anything.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2015, 01:53:02 am »
Well fuck me, I just wanted to play on a nice ARK server. :(


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2015, 02:19:05 am »
rip gg, 10/10 would creep again, was worth it ;)


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2015, 04:28:51 am »
THis is what I made, I don't think it will affect what will happen to the server, but I might as well give it a shot.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2015, 10:40:09 am »
This saddens me, but also makes me appreciate just how amazing the experience was. I can not fully put into words what this server has meant to me,. There was a time in my life where kz helped me through very dark times, and kz has been with me through all my good. I'm so glad to have had shared this experience with everyone.
I'm really glad to have met sea and johnny who were my close friends in this small mc community. We did the dank shit.
Koolio, thanks for everything you've done for all of us. I'd be lying if I said I could walk away from this without a few tears, but just know you a homie.
KZ has been a family to me. And it will always be hard to say bye to family.
Ill make sure to make posts and say hi abunch.

I have many personal secrets in kz maybe one day ill post some crazy things me and sea have done or tell you guys some funny places we have made..
So much love thanks KZ.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2015, 10:44:25 am »
There is a lil hole in the ground by the castle wall that has a chest full of my op shit or was full.  I've made so much stuff on kz my right finger flinches.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2015, 05:01:22 am »
There it goes.. Let the server rest in piece ;) I've enjoyed every bit of my time on this server thus aiming my goals and having much fun memories with many of you. I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that it's been a blast!! I couldn't of done it better myself.. I've had so many help from many of you. I've learned and corrected my mistakes. I've made long lasting relationships.. woombo and sea were close friends thus the small community. We worked, we built, we had fun, we never stopped bitching each other and we never said no to kraftzone.

I've been here since 2012 since the day I've joined I've always thought of staying and I did ;D We had our ups and downs but we had a lot of fun in the end. GOD NO! If anyone thinks that this is the end.. WELL it's NOT :p Have faith as we meet again in near future.

It's the community who makes Kraftzone what it is today.. without any of you who enjoyed the server, played and had fun, this server wouldn't be this amazing. Yes, the server was officially put to rest but this isn't the end.. as we gather together someday maybe on another game.

Hope to see yall bros someday **tears
Can't believe it's happening.. Kraftzone is life! Kraftzone is love! Kraftzone shhhr... shreds every other server :))
Thank you all from being a big part of my life you virtual people <33


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2015, 07:41:47 am »
Rest In Piece KraftZone I Really Do Want It Back So Maybe  Soon You Could Release Kraftzone 2.0 And Maybe People Would Be More Happier Then They Wish To Build WhatEver They Want And Have A Good Experience.  KraftZone Really Has Changed My Life Of When I Hate Building To An Amazing State Like As If Your Friends Were There To See Your Amazing Builds.


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Re: ∆ What can I say...
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2015, 08:01:12 pm »
Thanks all for the replies. I always thought I'd end the minecraft server with some video montage of the world maps/towns and clips taken from the past builds, and just random crazy stuff that happened, but even after all the years looking back at screenshots and vids (so much that was never captured that I thought surely I must have but didn't)  none of it could really paint the picture of just what a cool minecraft server and community this had especially during its height of popularity.

Sure there was mistakes and is plenty more to say than what I will say below; about the whys, the what ifs, the could have beens regarding the server. However I learned a lot starting Kraftzone and keeping it going, it was just a game server, but it was also much more.

And despite ending the server now it wasn't the first time I had thought about it, I tried to find reasons to keep it going this long. It was just a distraction to play games and have my own community, but it has also been costing me more for a dedicated server that really wasn't been utilized much anymore, Ark, Rust and the Minecraft server... just not alot of players anymore and I feel like I did my bit to try make each one of those servers work. Their was also the 7dtd server which I started last year and was pretty popular. I did a lot of programming on the server mods for that and many would say it was the best 7dtd server around. Which is motivating, however things happened and the attitude of the actual games developers made decide to the pull the plug on that. Could say that the minecraft server would still be going if I hadn't done that, as it did have a few people contributing to the server costs which the minecraft one really hasn't in over a year now. However running a server for other companies games when most of them kind suck in one or another, bugs, early access, code changes etc, though making server mods for those games to make my own server better, was fun and I enjoyed that.. its just when factoring in all my own reasons for and against carrying it on, even if the server wasn't costing me anything it would still be my time to keep it going and I just wasn't interested in doing that anymore.

Doesn't mean I don't feel bad for all those who had made my game server their main server and were still playing, its what kept me doing this for this long. Running a good server requires some responsibility and maturity, being a good active host. I still like doing that, I just rather do it for my own game if I'm going to do that again.

And that is why I've been working on my own game :) ..really not much to say on it at the moment still learning more and testing stuff out, doing multiplayer networking a whole nuther level of stuff I've yet to even start with yet. 

So its a lot to do, and I'm not sure how I'll be doing all of it all right now, will probably do some smaller minigame projects and show some work in progress stuff on the website as I work towards Kraftzone 2.0.