An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
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Author Topic: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"  (Read 9529 times)


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An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:36:45 pm »
Hello woombo23 here.

I have come to the realization of something over the last couple days. It seems that people are starting to think that just because there is not a lot of people online that its ok to break some key common sense rules. Recently found a player with over 18 zombie spawners running at once and it crashed the server when I tp'ed to him. I found a player TEO who was stealing from High standing players [Donatorrank]Teir3's. He told me he gave them back, when that player has not played for a good while which is a total lie. I keep track of older players items and buildings so don't think you can just steal everything and then lie and get away with it.

Don't build on other people's stuff. Ashley(alyth] 's tree was completely messed up by dirt on the very top. some built a huge platform!!1 on something that I helped build hahahahaha wtf! don't like I said I try to keep track of everyone's builds so ill know if you are messing with peoples property's. I also found a payer "stealing something from koolio" in private chat. He assumed that is, but if that's the mentality then its concerning.


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2015, 08:41:27 pm »
Could not agree with you more. Teo also griefed the farm i made for ninjapig654, Lemarq and 1 more. I remade it, he did it again. When i told him to stop doing it he told me "but you can't do anything only the mods can" which is true, and when we talk about that, i don't see many mods on often, which makes the players feel more like there's no rules. I do aswell but i don't take it out on all of you.
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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2015, 01:30:13 am »
taht typo on title though.. lol yeah i completely agree tho ppl have to actually follow rules... also i wanna throw this out there for the server but maybe a new map would be nice like new reset sorta, cuz then that could fix the op items problem in some ways also old players will have something more to do (make everything all over again) ya-know build ur holes that u live in and what not would be really fun.


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2015, 02:05:36 am »
I totally agree. I once playd full time Kraftzone all day all night. But yknow as time flies, I think I achieved many things on this server. And so on, there was almost nothing to do on the server.

A new map would be nice. Putting a new fresh coat of paint on the server. Maybe have new spawn to complement the server. Achieve new goals. Reach new limits. Repair the small and the large mistakes we've made. Enlist a new economy, new ways to make the server more interesting and make the server overall more friendlier; less fights.

I agree with Chris, we should start fresh for the year of 2015. The year where every hole and bumps we've made will be fixed and never return.
Where we start on a new page. Where the server will dominate and shine once again.

We should consider ;))


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2015, 03:45:28 pm »
I suggested a new map for the 1.8 update, but Koolio only seems interested in a new map when there is some map generation update. As stated above, a new map doesn't solve the little problems, the whole economy needs a reset too. And might the idea be there for a new spawn, it makes me happy to help with building it :D

And after typing this, I see I just said what everyone else said but in other words :O
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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2015, 04:46:21 pm »
What sort of new map... not an amp world? just a normal 1.8 map?

I don't mind doing it, I think it might be good to coincide with freezing the past maps.

As no one has the time or interest to go protecting builds, especially those protected by mychunk which I'm planning on removing.. and there doesn't seem to be any mychunk > worldguard convertor.

So it would just be easier to freeze the older maps so no one can build/destroy on them anymore. It also means the new map would have separate inventory so players cannot goto older maps to get items.

Still it doesn't solve the economy problem if donators with creative don't have limited creative, right now its exploitable so it will just be how it is now again.

Of some have other ideas for a new world generator or map they want imported as a new world to build on then can do that.. post links or info to it and I'll check it out.


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2015, 06:27:28 pm »
maybe u could just do no creative and them noob donators can stay in old map :P or stay survival with us in 1.8 map.


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2015, 09:03:23 pm »
i agree Chris, btw Message me on skype
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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2015, 11:15:52 pm »
I think a new world with spawn would be cool. Maybe removing some cmnds that get abused and maybe a new /shop for that world. basically like a second kz on a amplified world. bring back mc skills and allow pvp and grefing. Donators in that world could have access to survival kits maybe? Some ideas to think about, but I think it might be a good idea to allow some things that bring some excitement to the game.


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2015, 11:34:44 pm »
I think this is a great idea, i would love to start again on the server!


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2015, 12:14:19 am »
noonnonon woombo, no /shop no kits no pvp no greif ;c also why i dont think shop is good idea cuz shop is wayyy to easy also pvp is ok but have to be like idk toggled


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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2015, 04:28:23 am »

                           - P V P  A R E N A S -

How about pvp arenas that are always enabled for pvp. Ofc, pvp wouldn't be allowed at the spawn of the arena for good measures because of spawn killing.

                           - W O R D  I D E A S -

For those who rather want to build, make a world for building, add features like WorldGuard and Creative mode (so buildings won't be griefed) ;) Make a world for those who rather want to do Pure Survival, make the map 1.8 amp or basic 1.8. Make that world without flight with pvp enabled and perhaps a certain tolerance of grief (or not).

                           - N E W  S P A W N -

If building a new spawn, build it with everything including repair shop, enchantshop, main shop (includes every item). Make the spawner cleaner by building portals to reach to shop, to enchantshop or to repair shop. Put loads of info of "How this server rolls", Rules, Staff Board, Events Board, Warps Board, Help Board and more. Include many features to the spawn, secret areas to explore, free chests at spawn giving items, charity chests, cool builds around and at spawn.

                           - K I T S -

Kits should not include blocks like quartz, stone bricks, stained clay or anything that would actually help the player too much. Maybe a set of iron tools to start with or stone; a set of leather armor and perhaps some food like bread or 8 meat.

 -A new kit at every rank up until Donator t3.

 -Reg. : Kit Starter (cooldown: 3 days)

 -Members: Kit Member (cooldown: X days) + Kit Starter

 -MemberPlus: Kit M+ (cooldown: X days) + Kit Member + Kit Starter

 -Don t1: "x" kit + previous kits

 -Don t2: "x" kit + previous kits (Kit would be improved from Donator t1's kit)

 -Don t3: "x" kit + previous kits (Kit would be improved from Donator t3's kit)

                           - R A N K  R E W O R K -

Maybe rework rank perms which perms are given to each player and find a new way to rank up.

 - Registered would be the basic rank with all the basic commands.
 - Members would have basic commands with extra perks.
 - MemberPlus' would have more commands with more perks.
 - Donators t1 - t3 would gain unique perks since they paid.

I think every player should be treated as the same as of attention. Everyone wants attention from Staff ,obviously. So whether that is a new player or a long time member I personally think that they should get the same attention from every Staff.

Since voting is no longer a way to know if you are a dedicated player towards the server or not. I think we should do something else. Perhaps, they would need to pay to rank up (that'll be too easy IMO), minimum hours played + they would have to pay, make an application (but who wants to see ranks for lower ranks all the time).

                           - E V E N T S -

Have Kraftzone have an annual special event at a certain time.
Have themed events, for example holidays: christmas, halloween, st. patricks day, easter, etc.
Have a certain even of the year where everything will cost less at the shop.
Have Kraftzone's annual BDay.

*These are only some ideas I think would improve the server.

P.S: Sorry it came out so long to read :P



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Re: An Unpopulated server, dose not mean "No rules"
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2015, 05:19:51 pm »
Dang Johnny! I like where your head is at. I like the idea of some worlds having a higher risk. Like the likelihood your building might be destroyed. Maybe include towns in there for protection, the more you supply your town with the funds it needs to stay up, you will be safe. But once it falls its free game to everyone. I think a lot of players maybe find a lot of fun when given the chance to play with some risk. It will require players to band together instead of isolating and not interacting.

In regards to events I think we should look into some sort of drop part plugin of sort? I feel introducing the shop again would be fun, but improve on old mistakes /shop had.
As well as a spawn that seems less confusing aswell. Big is not always better in some regards and I often find new players running around then falling to their death. If we make something like KW like a main spawn in a safe world. and at the spawn are a few portals branching off to high risk worlds. and we can keep /cmnds that teleport people to minigames so we don't have to waste space with that.

Anyways nice ideas johnny!