People people people GOSH you guys make me a headache. Don't start by telling me it's who's fucking fault because both of you have done something wrong at least. It may be abusing her powers but calling her crybaby or whatever you said may offend players. Maybe think before doing actions or say anything. Ask yourself is it worth while to say or do something.. what will happen if i do/say it? How will the other player react to my actions? That's what you need to ask yourself BEFORE doing things like this.
I don't exactly agree with you both but I think good points has been brought up.

Kot is over reacting, pretty much but she has a point over saying I'm not mad but it's just your reaction.
Kot gave you a a direct mute right from the bat when you said ¨fuck you¨ Which was harsh and she shouldn't have muted you for saying silly stuff like fuck you. I mean everyone says fuck you, who doesn't? Not because you're are Staff means you need to get everyone's respect. There will be a time where a player will disagree with you and disrespect you.
Sebb why not just shut your big mouth and keep calm and tell it to a senior Staff like me. I could of solved this ages ago if you hadn't say crappy shitty stuff. Stuff like she's a crybaby, it may be silly but can get pretty messy saying these kind of stuff. Evolving to ENORMOUS crappy situations where I need to ban one of you if you guys don't stop.
Odel, hope you have great success for your business but I assume what kot did was really harsh. Taking everything from your chest because you abused creative mode? I think she doesn't know that Koolio doesn't mind but he says that at least he didn't share it to any other player. I hope! But I'll tell you something that you might not now odel. She has the rights to look into your chests whenever, she has the right permission to take away any items judged to be TOO MUCH. But she doesn't have the right to be like you abuse too much or thinks that you did not legitimately get these items she has to ask you where you got the items.
If one another did not say ass motherfuckin shiet to each other I think this would of been solved @Kot @Sheep @odel @Sebb @sea @Keevin
If you all didn't say these stuff and don't ask me what you said. You know exactly what you said and how you said it to make the person feel bad. So all of you did something wrong and some of you gave out extremely great points.
If sebb and keevin didn't start saying bullcrap behind her back, Kot wouldn't be too emotional that caused her to rage and abused her powers without any intentions. Her actions did some pretty big impact on SirMrManSheep, which brought us that Kot hates Sheep and Sheep hates Kot. You guys are something there you might not of liked him much but you have to respect one another. Sheep stood up, Kot instead of muting him for a minute, she should of have been like more asking why he did it and understand why he did it. Jailing, muting sebb wasn't the answer to solving this problem. It's never the answer. Just because he said some tiny little insult you had to over react and jail him. Why not just talk to him that it was disrespectful and offended you a lot. Why does Sebb had to open his big ass mouth and say shiet.