> Appeal a ban
Amineg am sorrry can i be ubanned
am really sorry can you unban me:(
sorry for what? do you even know?
Amineg, I've heard you've been griefing way too much! Honestly, not to be mean, you should not be un-banned, especially if you don't even know why you are banned in the first place. Just like Kooglio said "do you even know", please find the reason first and stop asking for an un-ban every day! The more you keep asking the less people will care. Im not trying to be mean but im just telling the truth.
I think Dark has a point, if you get banned more than once, it should be a perma-ban. There is no reason to get banned one time, let alone two. If you have a legitimate reason to get banned two times, then you might want to think a little and come back when you are ready to stop griefing/breaking rules. :)
I think all of you have a point. By the sound of it amineg you have no idea why you're banned and you've been banned before and you still didn't do anything. You just kept griefing.
But anyway, this is my opinion, and I'm young and basically I'm a newbie.
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