hmm born into time and space of a physical world where super powers are being given out, the fun won't last long before its all fucked up , I hope you know that rui334. ... especially if Krazybot78 gets mind control... its all going to madness
And all super powers in the physical world can be constrained and effected by what might be unknown. So whatever single power you take will never be enough, the drive to attain more power in order to control and sustain the existence of yourself and whatever else that you have come to acquire, admire or want more of etc will eventually within time end however that might come about.
Ruling time would seem to be the ultimate single power of the psychical world I think.. Would just have to hope the future has something useful to let your fleshy body live long enough to enjoy it.
you already have the power to travel into the future at the speed of time sly.