thank you for reading this and kooglio i just want you too know that every rude and hurtful comment i made about you and the server is a lie!
or you are just lying to get back on the server...
You wrote this yesterday...
Atleast im not a 30 year old virgin that owns a server and can't deal with players.
also if i was a kid like Conner and took the pain killers i would have died and you could have gotten into lots of trouble think before you type you butt hurt cunt

ohh yeah and thanks for the God armour, sword and 3 mill.
later cunt
The replies to that have been moved, however this is not reason enough to unban you..... you don't get back on that easy. Its far to easy to lie when you can come out with garbage like the above and the next day think everything will be good again.
I'm really curious about what everyone else thinks of you being allowed back on the server until then you can take a timeout.