Looking for some more help with the Kraftzone Wiki
http://kraftzone.net/wiki ..
You will get access to creating new wiki pages, and editing existing ones on the website.
Tasks will include adding more content to the wiki, creating new pages for most the common server plugins (ie mini game plugins like mob arena in similar style to existing wiki pages and improving from there)
- making specific guides, tutorials for kraftzone
- taking game screens, image editing, uploading to wiki
- formatting it all so pages all looks good with images where needed.
Must have good English and/or use browser that offers built in spell checker to help.
This rank is purely for wiki page editing, its not ingame staff rank per se, perks will be based on existing game rank and include mix of donator/staff perks starting from tier1.
If you have been banned, or are not even member rank yet don't apply, this is a trusted position so only for loyal players who don't cause trouble.
I've setup the wiki to be fairly easy to work with, though if you have never edited a wiki page this might help...
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents Will see if there is any interest in the position, currently only pepsi has been helping out with the wiki but it needs a more to help with it.