Over these last few day we have been preparing and rearranging things for Christmas season. Staff is busy making things for the server, and helping other when they need it. Koolio is extremely busy Helping staff and other as well as web page design, Kraftone wiki(pepsi also), and my self am always helping others and building. Now with that being said not everyone is going to like you, but I can assure you no one hates/dislikes/distastes/ or thinks bad thoughts about you. You're welcome at this sever any time and all the time. Don't mistake busyness with ignorance. For thecrafters, he doesn't hate you and I see know reason why he would. Admin and Support don't talk a lot sometimes partly because they are just busy building, managing, asking for us to do things ect. they don't have a reason to dislike you. And as for other player. we all really like you, and its about just being nice and helpfull and its about having fun. Instead of trying to get on everyones good side, Just have fun and let people come to you....