... I'll sticky this post, thanks bluedudex2.
Will be looking at making another ingame announcement that makes this more concise and less Koolio Etiquette specific .
- §lEtiquette§f, how not to be annoy, especially to §c~§5Koolio
- §bDo not ask to ask! Instead politely ask the question, wait abit
- §aGOOD example§a "Koolio, how to vote for your awesome server?"
- §eWhat not to do "Koolio?" "Koolio??!?!"§c..ad nauseam, bad idea!
Another announcement example...
- §f§l------------Rules------------
- $s$s§4- Don't Spam! Also ask a question once, not over and over.
- $s$s§c- No Advertising! Use server lists for that etc.
- $s$s§6- No hacks! Heavy nocheat spam will get you in trouble!
- $s$s§e- Try not to annoy anyone! tp/spawn killing and town trolling.
- $s$s§a- Serious greifing will be restored and you rolled out server.
If anyone wants to have a go at taking those examples and making one that could be used on the server for any specific reason they think would help, then go ahead.. if its good, you can get your own command version of an announcement you've made aswel (not to be spammed or abused of course).
Can have as many lines as you want though max 6 is usually more than enough, the length per line needs to be roughly the same as the above, or the line gets split onto a new line and ruins pre formated the look.
Good color formatting helps.. also instead of &a for green.. the plugin requires §a
And yeh it stopped being polite to ask for someone to help(without explicilty saying exactly what it is you need help with) over the internet since like 'nineteen footsack'
Mainly because whoever that person who is that might be able to help you, then has to then engage in a typing back just to ask you what you need help with exactly...
Typing isn't as fast as just talking to someone orally.
Net Etiquette
Just ask the questionIt's irritating when people ask "Can someone help?" or they ask just one particular person.
If you have a question, then just go ahead and ask it out to everyone, and if you need help with something... Then also state exactly what you need help with and it will usually help your request get sorted out faster, if you say exactly why you need something done.
-"Can you come here"...
Asking this without, already saying why it is you need someone to come to you, is another very annoying question, oftens leads someone to then have to ask you why they need to come to you. Something you should have already stated beforehand.
-"I've lost my items"...
If you have lost your items, you should be saying why you have, and what items were the most important that you want replacing. Cases like this really help if you just sum up all the stuff you had lost, in the form of diamonds. It's easier for staff to reimburse you money or particular items... this totally excludes enchanted items.
Help yourself, get better help..If you aren't getting the help you need, then maybe you should think about what it is you are asking, and how you are asking it. Addressing both those areas and trying again might lead to your request being fore filled.