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Messages - XxMRzach18xX

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: Having server problems. :(
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:18:17 am »
It lets me on every once in awhile so I will still try to vote everyday. I just have really slow internet. I live out in the middle of no where and we have a choice of really slow internet (which is what I have) or really fast internet. So I guess I'll have to make that upgrade. I don't really wanna give up Minecraft it's super fun specialty Kraftzone. Its my favorite server :D So I guess its worth paying alittle bit extra for high speed internet. Hopefully I can upgrade soon. But who knows might be 6-7 months til I get the internet I need.

General Discussions / Re: Having server problems. :(
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:08:40 pm »
Correction all servers I play on have this problem and I have yet to find a way to fix this problem. So I guess I'm done with minecraft for awhile. I will try every week or so to try and connect to this server. But for now I'm done with minecraft. Bye guys :'(

General Discussions / Re: Having server problems. :(
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:41:04 am »
Yes I tried with both the ip and the and still got the same problem and to make sure it wasn't my connection I went on another server and didn't have the lag problems. But I didn't have to log in because it was  a premium server.

General Discussions / Re: Having server problems. :(
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:09:30 am »
for some reason when I log on to the old ip ( I have no lag and it lets me log in and works perfect.

General Discussions / Re: Having server problems. :(
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:00:49 am »
I do play on other minecraft servers and don't have this problem. But if it is my connection I don't understand why it's not always been doing this.

General Discussions / Having server problems. :(
« on: July 23, 2013, 09:48:42 pm »
I can log on to the server. But when I do everything around me is frozen. Only I can move. When I try to log in the server doesn't respond nor does the chat logs. I'm not sure if it's the server or if it's my internet. I've never had this problem before. It started happening about a week ago but never got this bad.  :'(

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