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Messages - CopyableCougar4

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General Discussions / Re: CopyableCougar4
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:30:07 pm »
Koolio, do you think just because you use "big boy" words and write a long paragraph cursing at me that I'm just gonna walk out of here with my tail between my legs? Well you are SO wrong that it humors me.

The mere fact that you hide behind these long paragraphs of "big boy" words show your maturity level. While these words have been referred to as "big boy" words, a mature adult, not like yourself, should be mature enough to be the bigger person, but unfortunately you're too immature for that. The true brainwashing is done by immature, insolent, assholes like you. I mean, just think; Dilly was a nice person three months ago, but you've brainwashed him into your views. Now he follows you like a dog, doing and saying as you do. The real cynical asshole here is you. You can't even get your head far enough out of your ass to realize how wrong your societal views are. Being as skeptical as you gets you NOWHERE. I just hope that all your "followers" can realize how wrong you are and just think for themselves.

All said, grow some balls and learn to be the bigger man. For gods sake, these long walls of text do nothing. Being as skeptical as you cannot be at all excused by wimp remarks about how you prefer to be individual. I usually would say that people should be individual, but that only goes so far. At your point it's no longer usable for that excuse. If you would, for once, get your head far enough out of your ass to realize that sitting here and criticizing society does absolutely NOTHING.

You know, I expected that you would be the bigger man and walk away, but obviously not, so you drove me to this. I'm done with imbeciles like you that just look for flaws in society.

I respect people like Bluedude that won't stand for your brainwashing. The fact that you drag innocent kids playing a fun computer game into being your followers is just SO sad.

You and your followers need to learn to change your minds to some extent. If not, you and your followers will just follow each other off the cliff of ignorance like dodo birds.

And no, I'm not dragging things out like you said. I'm just giving my reasons for leaving the server. If you had had the brain cells to realize all that would have happened would be me saying what i said, you saying you don't want to change your views, and then we'd be done. But no. You had to bring this upon yourself.

Through shit like this you've shown your true colors. You've shown yourself to be a cynical, ignorant, skeptical, head-up-your-ass, bastard. And so I'm 100% done with you, and this forum/server. And the best part is I'm not checking this forum EVER again, so any walls of text you add here to hide behind mean absolutely nothing.

Either actually do something to change this society you despise, or SUCK IT UP AND LIVE WITH IT you ignorant, skeptical bastard.


P.S. Idgaf if you ban me from this forum, it would just show how much of a wimp you are.
P.S.S. Grow up and be mature, or go back to kindergarten where you would be with people of your own maturity.

General Discussions / CopyableCougar4
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:05:13 am »
So it was called into question why I left KraftZone. It was a combination of two events.

  • The first was this bullshit with SlyGuy. I couldn't stand all the shit he was talking and doing about the Holocaust. I don't care what anybody else thinks about the Holocaust, it was a scarring event in the minds of millions, and was a huge chunk of history. I don't honestly give a crap what others feel about the Holocaust, it was a time of death and a dreadful time for millions. [Insert unreliable sources as a comeback here] In my opinion, all those who say that the Holocaust wasn't real are wimps who can't own up to history and accept what happened. Now, I don't want to drag the past out, because after all it is the past, but it was still terrible for a huge portion of society.
  • The second was the fact that I just decided I had better things to do. For instance, I'm getting back into MySQL, PHP, and HTML to make a Minecraft servers list. Also, I'm looking into learning some things with networking and web security.

One last thing to Koolio: I think your societal views are slightly twisted, and you need to modify them because not trusting society causes you to become paranoid, which makes life a living hell.

Koolio, or anybody else reading this, I honestly don't care what your opinions are about this. If you feel the need to persecute me for my beliefs I don't care, that's your problem.

So this is most likely my final word on the topic, and maybe even on the server/forum.

Au revoir
Zài Jiàn

P.S. The last one is goodbye in Mandarin

General Discussions / Re: Break Time
« on: April 23, 2013, 12:11:07 am »
That's unfortunate. Hope everything turns out alright :)

General Discussions / Re: KraftZone FavIcon
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:54:08 pm »
Thought this was cool. With an account on you can put favicons on t-shirts O.o

General Discussions / Re: KraftZone FavIcon
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:52:00 pm »
I updated the FavIcon and turned the blue to red. Link:

Questions & Help / Re: Plugins
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:52:38 am »
??? This is the correct category. This is questions and help and his question is what plugins KraftZone uses. 'Nuff said :P

General Discussions / KraftZone FavIcon
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:59:25 am »
So I made this possible favicon for KraftZone. (Favicon-image shown on internet browser tabs) Idk I thought it turned out pretty nicely. This one is in .png format the actual favicon is in .ico . EDIT: The png image is a little cut off on the right... here's the URL for the original:

General Discussions / Re: Favicon Creation
« on: April 18, 2013, 09:43:14 pm »
A favicon is the little image that you see next to each tab in an internet browser.

General Discussions / Re: Favicon Creation
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:11:27 am »
To those who would consider requesting some, if you gimme your email I can send you a few I've made as examples :D

General Discussions / Favicon Creation
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:07:19 am »
So I found out that I'm allowed to get on during the week, and I've gotten pretty decent at making 16x16 favicons :D Reply to this if you would like a 16x16 favicon :D

Favicon Order Format
Type What kind of thing you want for your favicon, (i.e. shield,letter,...)
Colors What colors you want incorporated into your favicon
Email They're in .ico format which can't be sent over forum, so i need an Email to send them to. My email is for all those ordering :D

Reply in the above format with an 16x16 favicon orders :D

General Discussions / Re: So I found out the coolest thing
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:41:15 pm »
I was pointing out that the KraftZone forum shortcut will save you time :D

General Discussions / Re: So I found out the coolest thing
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:18:49 pm »
Pfft already knew that Pepseh :P Lol, but seriously, that means lots more time on the forum :D (it will eventually add up, trust meh :D)

Videos / Re: Holocaust Remembrance
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:29:30 pm »
A joke is building a swastika, laughing and taking it down. In my opinion this has gone way past being a joke.

Videos / Re: Holocaust Remembrance
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:09:04 pm »
Sly... when I saw the title I was pleasantly surprised, but then I watched the video.. This crap is extremely disrespectful.. There aren't words to describe how disrespectful this video is.

P.S. Read Night by Elie Wiesel. Might give you a glimpse of how disrespectful crap like this is.

General Discussions / Re: So I'm there's a few probs with he forum.
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:41:13 am »
Lol i found your birthday pepseh :D For some reason it was in the January calendar :D as January 5

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