(Retired site)
=> Appeal a ban => Topic started by: HappyToe12 on December 13, 2012, 09:54:25 pm
I ask that no one comment on this except for Koolio.... I do not want any flames
Reason- Greifing
I am sorry that I had griefed those wooden houses. I admit I had griefed them with flint and steel. But I had feedback from a couple players, Figueroa, John, DerrickR that griefing is allowed in the wilderness. Those things were in the wilderness that is why they were griefed. I am sorry I greifed those buildings, it will not happen again.... Koolio please accept my appeal and let me get back on Kraftzone. - Thanks for reading... HappyToe12
sure fine,
And FYI....
"Figueroa, John, DerrickR that griefing is allowed in the wilderness"
do not listen to these fools... greifing built structures in the wilderness is still greifing
All I said was Koolio is getting sexually assualted by a bananna. Well whatever...
It says, "You have been banned: Reason Nothing
Here let me fill in the reason: Lack of respect...
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
Stfu noob
All I said was Koolio is getting sexually assualted by a bananna. Well whatever...
Probably the lack of respect...
And BTW, this is an unban appeal, or do you want to get banned or something?
he already got unbanned for this appeal... then banned again not only for what was said.
either way happy, you just gonna have to make another appeal.. I'll be honest I don't think there much point in you doing that if you just gonna behave like you did so soon after this unban.
All I said was Koolio is getting sexually assualted by a bananna. Well whatever...
Um, ur supposed to appeal for a ban, not make it worse
"Um, ur supposed to appeal for a ban, not make it worse"
You are making way to much sense :D
IT's fine without happy, I think vin,figue,john, Derrick, and some others should bw banned. THat'd make the server like 99.99% more peaceful
nah combined all 4 of them is less annoying than you brandon :P
nah combined all 4 of them is less annoying than you brandon :P
Lol brandon you got told :P Lol just kidding :)
nah combined all 4 of them is less annoying than you brandon :P
Hopefully your being sarcastic, just getting rid of Derrick will make everything at least 75% better. Brandon isnt soooo annoying.
Did he rage quit from the server?
hE USES A DIFFERENT account but i dont know what
Nope banned him for good, caused to much trouble and had disrespect for me still, after I had already unbanned him for causing trouble. He had gone well past all his chances.
"hE USES A DIFFERENT account but i dont know what"
Well that's fine so long I don't ever have trouble from him again.
Did happy rage quit from the server?
Did happy rage quit from the server?
Read Koolio's post right above yours. Koolio states: he was banned, so no if a ban was needed he didn't quit.
Did happytoe just rage quit? from the server
Now why would you repost the same question.
It's because he is trying to get his vote count up.
He wants to look "active" on the forums. That way he thinks he has more chance to get staff.
He is to lazy to read Koolio's post and asked the same question because he still wants an answer.
He is just happy to annoy us :P
I don't know dafuq your talking about.
that's because you didn't read every post :)
Sorry spam xD i thought i was a on his other ban appeal.Sorry for the spam.
"Figueroa, John, DerrickR that greifing was allowed"
Since when?????
Copy i was banned... and Koolio said I will never be unbanned. So I guess goodbye :( ill miss you Dill2k, Cody, and Copy. Thats it. Noone else. Thecyberhedgehog you wanted me banned as well. So thats why ur not in the I miss u section :)
How the hell are you banned?
I never said i wanted you banned....
But you were messing around with koolio... and I guess you deserved it. But that doesn't mean I wanted it. So stop assuming, or maybe I will want you banned (funny thing is you already are :P)
Why did wikk post this in happy's ban appeal???
Idk lol