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=> Events => Topic started by: ~Sly on November 25, 2012, 05:26:23 am
I know I asked you this before Koolio but I never really got a straight answer.
With lots of talk about wanting to do a Towny War, I have decided to post this thread. During the War would disable Towny, Sponge, and Lockette protection, and the goal would be to kill the owners of Towns. Last Mayor standing wins. Or, it could be a free for all, last man standing.
Now some people may be thinking "Oh noes! I don't want to get griefed!" Well don't worry because the map would be copied before the war and restored after it ends. Now Koolio you might be thinking "Making a copy of the map? Bitch please that requires work." The solution? I could host the map. This also solves the issue of players who don't want to go to war can play on your end, while the rest go to war on my end.
All of this is only practicable if enough people want to go to war. So if your interested post a reply.
..........................................................Kool story bro tell me more :D
Y'know I do need someone to render the map and upload it, that would be helping me out and so I don't mind sharing it with those I trust.
However this has conflict of interest, the map is part of KZ. Such an event would need advertising of your server. Such things don't happen unless I have control and final say on what goes on and when.
And such an event also implies the need for the towny data, which is not something I'm just handing over.
You would have full permissions to everything. As for Towny - I don't need a single file of it. Protection would be off. All I would need on your end is the map files.
Sly, just remember to add an anti-pvp plugin, and either auto-kick/ban or at least make them spectators once people have died
It may not even be done jp. Koolio's choice.
You ask for the map still, but say nothing of fore filling my request on rendering said map.
Lolwut? I'm confuzzled. If you need help doing something then i'll be glad to assist.
EDIT 11/26: I'd be glad to render the map.
So are we having war i'm gonna have tons of fun. Also can you make it so you can buy creeper eggs and they could blow up chests.
Noo, I think you have war, not the creepers.