(Retired site)
=> Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Shawnotize on October 28, 2012, 02:00:53 am
Koolio unban me i didnt do anything and it says -Ip banned reason: No reason or whatver i didnt do crap..
well that's too bad.... I'll give you time for your memory to come back.
What? I didnt do anything Wtf
I didnt do anything tell me what i did because i didnt do anything since the last time i got in trouble with you
Ha Lol
Yea i didnt do anything so..
go login to your profile on this site, and check your chat log...
"First to say" koolio *****************************" gets my whole town and 500k"
ring any bells....
....koolio it was a joke.. Please tell me you get the context of the joke...If somebody says that..theybeould get banned and tr money would be worthless... Koolio this was a joke even ask lolly.., this is bullshit
I wonder what the "***" represented O.o
Anyways, is this a permanent ban or temporary? If it's temporary I suggest 1 week max, but it's your choice.
Whoever says koolio sucks balls an should die gets mu house... And it was supposed to mean that whoever said that would get banned and the items would go to waste for that person...-and lolly kept asking for mu money so yea...
KOolio this is was a jokr jesus,,, why do you always pick on me koolio im the only one you do this stuff to and im not the only one who does this and this was a joke ppl always say you suck and their noy joking... Jesus fucking christ
Blue... Ouch cant even fathom the feeling...
you like to see me suffer dont you koolio
You bring it on yourself saying stupid crap, at a time when I've got a map that needed restoring.
And I don't care to have you back, now go away.