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=> Events => Topic started by: brickmaster42 on September 04, 2012, 11:29:15 pm
Lola I made this because it's so fun pvping an admin. hope you say yes!
The BOSS, brick
Sorry if I misspelt anything I wrote this on my iphone
cool, heres something you should add, all staff and use, /kill /god and /g ;)
Yes true lol I just wanted to kill a bunch of Adkins :D
Admins* and lol yeah that would be pointless cause Amina would cheat so lol
If naruto was participating in this event, he would eventually rage and use kill commands :D
Lol I REALLY wanted to kill HADI and central. And most of all, Koolio. Lol :P
Well this is Admin Slaughter day.. and as the Admin, I'm going to roll with it .. starting with brickmaster42 and probably only brickmaster42 :D
D: next time Koolio goes on, I won't be on :D fine not god armor but maybe like as pvp day with kit starter
lol you'll never kill Koolio. and im sure i would hunt you down if you would go after the staff.
>,< this topic was from September...
I Know i saw brickmaster is a noob. but guess he already knows...