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=> Announcements => Topic started by: Koolio on December 22, 2017, 03:13:49 pm

Title: Hey been a while....
Post by: Koolio on December 22, 2017, 03:13:49 pm
Hope all you are all doing well !!!

I'm putting up the minecraft server for the holidays, bit like old times seeing as the server was started in the December holidays way back in 2012. So keeping in tradition it's back to where things were left off at the last time the server was up. The minecraft server version is 1.11 (, hopefully that is fine.

It will be running until just after the new year so hop on anytime during then for some weee nostalgia.

The maps are rendering again at ( so you can find your old builds (Making this post a little early so expect most the maps will be rendered before Christmas, I forgot how long it takes rendering given the size of them all)

And just to make it easier to teleport to your old builds (as I don't remember the all custom commands/warps that were setup for things anymore) all players can now use  '/mv list' to show all the world map names and '/mv tp <worldname>' to teleport to it. Also you can use '/tele x y z'  with the exact coordinates to get to things.

/ewarp list  - Most the warps listed here
/xmas - ie this place...
( ( :)

With that have a Happy Christmas and Great New Year everyone.
Title: Re: Hey been a while....
Post by: Salil9992 on January 05, 2018, 07:36:08 am
If needed, I can host the server permanently now. I have a spare Mac lying around that I run a vanilla server on. It's been running since 2013 and I totally forgot about it.
Title: Re: Hey been a while....
Post by: Koolio on January 06, 2018, 04:57:50 am
hey salil long time man.. Thanks for the offer I have a server for it and its all setup, its just my preference to run it every one in a while now or whenever someone wants to go on it. Think only a few people actually hopped on it over the holidays anyway. So its not really a server that needs to be up all the time.

"It's been running since 2013 and I totally forgot about it." - Said no bit/altcoin miner ever :D
Title: Re: Hey been a while....
Post by: Kaleb on January 25, 2018, 05:57:28 pm