(Retired site)
=> Announcements => Topic started by: Koolio on June 13, 2015, 02:11:17 am
Been a little dead around here lately.. can't imagine why of course, however the server is going to carry on as mentioned in the shoutbox earlier this month.
Server voting kinda dropped off this month due to a ip space change on the webserver caused... with all the changes that caused it meant the kz server was reporting votes to an ip address that was no longer active. And the "Notch" vote was caused by planetmc test votifier.. its fixed, however voting for the minecraft server seems somewhat pointless, I'll leave it running as a means for players to get some extra ingame money.. however as far the votes for the month being shown on the website or the topvoters thing.. that is over with sadly, as the reality is just doesn't have many people doing it anymore.
Work progresses on a new website that will merge the ( site in with (
It will be a change of forum/site style etc..
Though I have yet to find a replacement for a shoutbox ... its one of the most used forum features so going without that would be a bad option
its not xenforo or vbulletin... or mybb or smf or vanilla.. xenforo would have been good, though the license for it put me off, and the gallery for it was an additional fee.. The forum software I'm planning to move to it really wipes the floor on these licensed forums.
Anyway no idea when it will be ready, some of technical challenge is sifting through chinese documentation via page translation in order to add some custom php codeblocks.. i think it will worth it if I dont give up and stick with smf or maybe use vanillaforums.
In other news I have put up a Ark :Survival server.. its shown in the server list under '' or you can use
add the above line in the set launch options for it on steam.. until them developers sort there alpha game out ...with a proper way to direct connect in game at least.. honestly not that impressed the with game, however its all rage right now, and the dedicated is a little underused, so might aswel have it running something else.
as for kraftzone, I'm really excited to see in what direction it's gonna go, all the new games n stuff that'll be happening. It's a shame we lost so many players through years when kz is now changing into a beautiful butterfly. But yeah, really cool to see you keeping the spirit or kraftzone alive koolio. As for me, I'll be around. Probably see more of me floating around, here and there. So yeah, keep up the good work :D
Ark? link plz also koolio you should maybe host a server for a f2p game so everyone can play c: in future ofc, also about shout-box thingy why not instead a chat room ? maybe would be even better to see who else is online.
- (
i dont recommend the game btw.. it has terrible performance atm... maybe it will be better in a year.
anyway what f2p game did you have in mind?
though I do recommend getting 7dtd... (
its on sale right now.
:D bought 7dtd hopefully others buy it too and join meh !
Lol gaben and his summer sale. Empty your wallets, Lord gaben is here.