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=> Announcements => Topic started by: Koolio on May 27, 2015, 09:21:13 pm

Title: Server things
Post by: Koolio on May 27, 2015, 09:21:13 pm
Server will be down for a few hours or longer, depends how long the OS swap over takes, restoring backups, setting up everything for a different OS environment etc. finished

I recently posted at ( regarding why this is happening, to explain where things stand with me running that server. And while its very specific to that game some of its points stand to effect me continuing on with this server aswel.

You should all know that this minecraft server has largely been going because I had started the 7dtd server back some 10months ago. As a gamer I enjoy running a server for games I enjoy playing, and games that have have potential and a platform for modding and coding. 7dtd offered those things, but I no longer see its potential ever reaching a point where I feel the work I put into that server has been worthwhile anymore. Not to say I wouldn't carry it on in some, but not paying to do it at aswel. The enthusiasm for that has gone now.

All things come to the point where you have to evaluate if its something you enjoy doing. Adding the money side of it because I do pay for a dedicated server to keep this going. I have never had an issue paying for a server without donations when I enjoyed the game it was not why kraftzone started. However it will be why the minecraft server ends, it probably would have ended 2years ago. Simply because I don't have the same enthusiasm for minecraft. A lot of has changed with running a minecraft server in the last 2years. Part of me has kept this going out of a responsibility to keep it going for those who have made it there home server and enjoy the server features, setup and rich history it now has with all its past world maps, and not forgetting those who have donated.

The fact the last substantial donation for the minecraft server was last year. and never covered the full cost of the server bill most months. For which it is me fronting the bill, neither did the 7dtd server, so that server wasn't carrying things either. So Kraftzone stopped paying for its own upkeep a long time ago, and after almost 4years running, a long time I'm sure you will agree, its had its success and I certainly enjoyed keeping it going even without donations, back when it was popular. However Minecraft servers are now dime a dozen and the games popularity has been on steady decline for a over a year now. I think the other matter is that I've never had an interest in running a server the way you might see other more popular servers run. And most of you loyal players even play other games now, and so do I.

The server future is in the air right now for sure, which is never a nice thing to know but I feel you might aswel be honest with you, instead of ending it on the day. Anyway feels like this is the server end post.. its not, not yet it may come to that sure, it might not either. The server may go private and continune running on a smaller server setup, it certainly doesn't need a dedicated server like the one its on anymore.

If it comes to the closing server next month I will be sure to post a much longer post, it would not be the end of anyway.

Anyway don't want to make this post really long,just wanted to let you know that server will be down for a while. It will be backup soon as I do the OS swap and see where things go with that.
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Chris on May 28, 2015, 12:18:44 am
r.i.p. minecaft. see you on steam rest of yall
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Salil9992 on May 29, 2015, 03:08:47 pm
Hey Koolio, it's been a while.

Kraftzone was fun while it lasted. I logged in sometimes with different accounts to see how the server was doing, and it's crazy how far it has gotten! All the best to you and the server!
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Koolio on May 29, 2015, 05:31:37 pm
Hi Salil

Thanks, yeh the server may still last longer yet... the post was just an airing of a few things that needed to be said I think. I was expecting the server OS change to go cause much downtime aswel.

r.i.p. minecaft. see you on steam rest of yall

Chris you stopped playing minecraft months ago  :)
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: chicken371 on May 29, 2015, 09:45:34 pm
I should get a prize for still playing
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Koolio on May 29, 2015, 11:16:14 pm
How does a luxury cruise to..

..nvm kott.. because this is what would happen....

Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Koolio on May 29, 2015, 11:16:52 pm
I think you kott owe me a prize for letting you play still :P

Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Pepsi87 on May 30, 2015, 12:43:46 am
Ah yes she's getting old huh.  Started out as basically a refuge for people who didn't want to pay for it.  Maxing out the slots of 60+ people on. There were some good people and bad,  all was fun at the time. It is sad yes but at least now kraftzone  is spreading to other games other than bland craft,  would have been nice to see it pick up again but like you said,  they're just not as unique as they used to be. I've made many friends here,  most I have lost thru  the years but thanks to kz  I have a lot of Skype contacts,  still say hi to lunar every once in a while. I remember my first day I was like 12 playing on a rac acer laptop looking for placed to play with a new account I found 'pepsi87'
I really would like to keep in touch with you in the future koolio, sure you're some guy I met on the Internet that I've been friends with for 4years and know nothing about,  but you're a cool dude and I'd like to stay a part of the kraftzone legacy. Started with you red and fluffy, funny how things turn out.
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: chicken371 on May 30, 2015, 02:55:40 pm
it would probably end up like Titanic if that's what you're trying to say
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Chris on May 30, 2015, 07:46:41 pm
pepsi add me on steammmm
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: Koolio on May 30, 2015, 11:34:39 pm
yeh I was joking kott :)
Title: Re: Server things
Post by: chicken371 on May 31, 2015, 10:36:50 am
duh ik