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=> Events => Topic started by: Theodor Andrei on February 26, 2014, 09:02:03 am
Hello Guys ! OmegaTeo Here! I just wanted to tell you that Call Of Minecraft : Zombies Is Open To Play!
Here Are The Commands :
To see the arenas do : /z arenalist or /z list arenas
To join the arena (That arena must be in waiting) do : /z join [arena]
Example : /Z Join Mondays
To leave the arena do : /z leave
When you are playing alone , watch out for the zombies! They can kill you very fast.
Use your gun to earn more points.
If your teammate is down , make sure you are safe .Then hit your teammate with you fist to revive him.
If you are low on health , use the knife to kill zombies immediately.
Use the signs to buy stuff.They will help you survive.
First thing you need to do when you earn points is to open the doors.
The stamina_up is the best item in surviving.
The zombies are coming from end portal frames.
Come Right Now! The Bugs Got Removed! Come Here And Help Your Teammates Stop The Zombies Invasion!
The form for this has already been added :P
but i don't totaly disagree with it you did add hints witch is good :P
ok... get on the server :D