(Retired site)
=> Appeal a ban => Topic started by: UhOhKarizma on February 05, 2014, 03:32:02 am
Hey i wanna know why i was banned one day it was fine the next it says i cant come back?
Because a chargeback was made against the server account on a donation you did over a week ago.
You seem to come across as though you know nothing about that which I find suspicious, I suggest you go look into it because unless that is settled and by that I mean cancelled or paid back again the ban will be permanent.
Ok Whatever I had no idea about that, so therefore im done dude your a piece of shit No wonder all your good staff left to crafters unite.
Well, I wouldn't say he is a piece of shit, maybe there is a misunderstanding?
lol ambush wtf are you on? First of all why bother making a ban appeal and when koolio explains you call him shit?
second last I remember you were a staff on blues refuge of a server. so why bother donating to a server where you think the admin is and I quote "shit" oh wait. a chargeback was made.
:Rage mode de activated
No ik coming back was a dumb idea, Thought id just give it a chance but apparently instead of taking away perms he bans well ok ... IS THAT WHY YOU MAKE THEM BUY IN POUNDS KOOLIO CAUSE $40 DOLLARS IN POUNDS IS $80 DOLLARS IN THE USA UR JUST SCAMMING ALL YOUR DONATERS
Quit raging. nuff said
Scamming? That's defiantly not entirely true there. You can find the amount you're donating by a simple google search. Lets say I was donating 40 well I could ask google how much would that be in US currency. The problem is a easy solve. The issue isn't him, its the fact you recharged, for you and redneck, and im not going against you guys, I thought you guys were a laugh, but making a big deal out of this situation, witch could have easily been a misunderstanding, is pointless. Over reacting isn't going to make your point, and neither are pointless insults. Also, im not aware of any donators being scammed...though it is a bit annoying going through pay pal at times, but it all can be dealt with using the infinite amount of tools the internet has to offer. Im really sorry you feel this way. I thought Redneck was a really nice guy. If you're actually willing to make a excuse as to why you did it, then maybe we can go on an actual argument, not just insults.
Actually if you do the math when you go to donate it says 1 US dollar equals .5 Pounds Which to me I think is scamming when if u pay 45 ur really paying 90
Lol well ive donated 3 times. Each time ive donated the exact amount I wanted I guess I did the math pretty well. but im glad you decided to ignore everything els we have mentioned. Are you to proud to tell the truth
wait what happened to redneck? he was back for like 2 days
hangon, so you knew about the chargeback ?
Look you here, I have a zero tolerance policy on chargebacks, anyone who does that 'knowingly' when they got what the paid for is a scumbag move. If you had a problem with what you had donated, you should have got in contact with me about it and something could have been done about, the joke of what has happened now, is you probably would have gotten more of your money back from me, not had a bans given out, and the perks that were donated for multiple players could have been better organized for what was donated.
Instead you go behind my back to a scumbag credit card company to initiate a chargeback who put a large fee (often more than was even donated!) for doing fuck all but reversing the payment, which as it turns out you got.
So I banned all of you for the chargeback because you decided to donate 2 times, for 3 people including yourself. Now how the fuck should I know that the chargeback was for x person donater perks but keep y person perks when you don't even have the decency to communicate, and what in your little head made you even think I would do something nice when you do what you have done.
And considering the history of you guys, and that on the very day that chargeback happened you were asking me for my server group ranks.. something that takes time to do when setting a up server. You got in a huff and left the server somehow think that asking for staff ranks and wanting server information was something that I owed you for donating. Think again punk you want to start a server you learn to do it yourself, and you got yourself banned for not getting in contact with me and explaining the issue. I am I reasonable guy, but insult and screw with me like you have, you will come out worse.
The joke of this is that you come on here asking why you were banned, when I think you know damn well what you were doing. I knew there was something fishy about you coming back on here and wanting to donate, chargeback is exactly the low level thing I was expecting. And its the kind of shitbag move to be donating for ranks knowing that you are going to pull a chargeback week+ later on, not only benefiting from the ranks but even trying to think you would gain other perks from my trust. You are damn fucking lucky the creditcard company charged you the fee for that.
Actually if you do the math when you go to donate it says 1 US dollar equals .5 Pounds Which to me I think is scamming when if u pay 45 ur really paying 90
Or you could just goto and do currency conversion and donate that, some talk to me about that issue where I explain howcome that is. However its a donation and those are guideline prices for the perks I will give out. If someone donates more, they either didn't know or didn't mind. Either way some donate less and some donate more but everyone is usually happy with what they get out of it and usually get more later on, or they talk to me like a reasonable person.
And if you still think donating in pounds is more for the perks than some other server is asking for then fking go there instead. I think you will find the perks I give out even if paid in pounds is more than reasonable. Server hosting bills do not pay for themselves and its the generosity of those who donated who keep it going. Ridiculous chargeback fees when they happen take away the very donation money others have put into the server. So do not expect me to take it lightly when that happens because it was your fault for NOT dealing with it better. With teh cheek to even come on here pretending to not know about it and trying to insult my good character.
Now I suggest you put things right or your ban and the ban of those other 2 guys will be permanent here.
No ik coming back was a dumb idea, Thought id just give it a chance but apparently instead of taking away perms he bans well ok ... IS THAT WHY YOU MAKE THEM BUY IN POUNDS KOOLIO CAUSE $40 DOLLARS IN POUNDS IS $80 DOLLARS IN THE USA UR JUST SCAMMING ALL YOUR DONATERS
Sorry to hear that you have been banned but maybe it's a lesson needed to be learned.
If we all had equivalent cost on our currencies we'd all be on the same currency so thinking it was 40:40 was a little silly - besides, there's always the option of changing your money on paypal from dollars to a specificed amount in pounds (or any other currency for that matter) and if that wasn't feasible you could have just searched it online.
I think it was very childish to go behind Koolio's back and just chargeback; it just put you in a worse position (server status and your wallet). I think it also speaks on your self-esteem if you were unable to 'man up' and tell him what your issue was and then go behind his back with your method, pretending to have no idea at first.
i love how koolio thinks ambush made a chargeback transaction. first of all, hes too young to know what that even is, and second of all he never went to any credit card company because he uses a prepaid visa. its just a simle mistake. maybe he overcharged his account and it just came through just recently. idk how itworks overseas, but thats not what he did here. i know him personally, and he wouldnt have made a chargeback if he was angry, he would have just hacked the shit out of you server. enough said, ambush is mad because he doesnt know what you mean by "chargeback" koolio. and also i would appreciate if me andmybrother could be unbanned because it was not even ourmoney, and im damn sure we had nothing to do with his money flow to your server. thank you
Thanks Tom, but he wont unban you because you know apparently its your money when I paid for both ad he could see that in the transactions... so koolio if you wanna ban someone just ban me red and trimson had nothing todo with it, But of course you probably wouldn't understand because your British
"i love how koolio thinks ambush made a chargeback transaction."
I go on what was happening and how both you and ambush were asking for server help which is not something I do for any donation. Then after you don't get what you want, a chargeback was made (And how would I know it was prepaid card or that ambush had no involvement in it)
So you were both banned with clear message to ambush to resolve the chargeback matter with me, somehow that meant coming on my forum and publicly insulting me. Stupid I think so, as he should have got in contact privately to find out what was going on if he had no idea about the chargeback. Dealing with things properly not like a moron.
"he would have just hacked the shit out of you server. "
oh I'm just thrilled to let such people come play on my server (logic tells me someone who can't setup server ranks has no skill in hacking servers ok.) And if you don't sort your attitude out, you ain't never coming back here. Telling me what ambush would do if angry doesn't put you in a good place for any unbanning or him.
I suggest you tell ambush to get in contact with me privately to resolve this.
But of course you probably wouldn't understand because your British
I'm not, and I suggest you quit any resemblance of insulting or you will be out permanently. You will have nthing but yourself to blame on this poor handling of such matters.
Not really kinda happy im out and I didn't care for the ranks it was for my bro.. So yea before you insult people on what they can and cant do maybe you should contact ME privately to Solve some of YOUR issues :)
UhOh-Karizma, just reply'd the wrong reply.... bad weather coming your way...
I don't Care as you can tell lol
Who is uhohkarizma?
He donated.
creeper this has nothing to do with you, so mind your own. koolio theonly person out of the three of us who enjoyed your server was my brother trimson alliance. i did enjoy the players you have here, but your constant bad attitude wasnt very welcoming to me. you were very hostile tome and ambush since the unban. i didntfeel comfortably. but my brother has neber player your server orhad any problems, so if you keep him banned, your losing a good dedicated player. im sorry but its your loss unless you unban him. thank you for giving me the chance though, i enjoyed your players and the server.
Lazy to make a new thread.
Quite a few users on le forums
lada UhOhKarizma is ambush23 old time staff
If it was only between you guys, then you guys, should've private message'd him, instead of making a PUBLIC forum post.
Nuff' Said
So yea before you insult people on what they can and cant do maybe you should contact ME privately to Solve some of YOUR issues :)
Well keep waiting because that won't be happening.
. i did enjoy the players you have here, but your constant bad attitude wasnt very welcoming to me. you were very hostile tome and ambush since the unban.
Your idea of what hostile is very odd, as that was not how you were treated by me after your unban you both got a fresh start, and I'm sure anyone else who was on the server when I was talking with you both would agree that you claims are in infact very disingenuous.
I may unban trimson.
Thread closed now.