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=> Announcements => Topic started by: Koolio on August 02, 2012, 09:22:23 pm

Title: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Koolio on August 02, 2012, 09:22:23 pm
Pretty much it..

oh and default server texture pack is: (

Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: bluedudex2 on August 02, 2012, 10:47:10 pm
the offical server texture pack is the one i already use XD
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Koolio on August 02, 2012, 11:48:27 pm
It's been my favorite for a while
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: hary on August 03, 2012, 08:08:18 am
i think faithful is gross i use johnsmith or sphax purebdcraft
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Koolio on August 03, 2012, 08:27:21 am
Well those are both an abomination to Minecraft  :D

Faithful all the way here 8)
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Pepsi87 on August 03, 2012, 09:45:20 am
Whats the difference between "The default look of minecraft" and the "Official texture pack"?
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: bluedudex2 on August 03, 2012, 09:48:30 am
faithful pack is a 32x32 version of default so it's a higher resolution more detail i love it but others hate it. I like other texture packs but i like faithful the most :D
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Pepsi87 on August 03, 2012, 09:58:54 am
Sounds interesting, I think I might get it.
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: bluedudex2 on August 03, 2012, 11:26:56 am
well you do need HD texture fix, well for me anyways
Title: Re: Server Updated 1.3.1
Post by: Hadi on August 03, 2012, 12:04:42 pm
Ppl are entitled to there opinion, even if its a silly opinion, pfffft purebdcraft  is better that all yall ghetto texture packs........ i personnaly hate john smith......... :P Lol
anyway what this reply is about is to tell u all how to change ur texture pack.......
1.) Go to video settings and, where it says "server textures" turn that off.
2.) Disconnect from the server.
3.) change to the texture pack u want, and rejoin!