(Retired site)
=> Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Chris on December 02, 2013, 07:18:20 pm
Someone griefied /server lobby
Probably spammed frank159's Anvil cannon. Should delete that. before they spam over and over.
thanks, fixed and removed franks stupid tnt cannon
anytime. ;)
koolio you should make at lobby something like a plot world ... with plots where you can build things.... that can be some prizes for the 3rd or 4th quake winners...Maybe... xD
Yeah creative plots have come up before, I might look at trying them again in 1.7
If you decide to go ahead with creative plots, turn off mobspawn in that world. I am speaking from experience. Turn mobs off on that world, and mob spawning, also make sure you can't use invisibility potions.
Of course this is only if you decide to do the creative plots.
this is funny... talking about creative plots, on a post, about greifing....
ye... xD