(Retired site)
=> Appeal a ban => Topic started by: xxNavyxxSealsxx on September 15, 2013, 11:21:51 pm
I am sorry koolio for my recent dumbassness and would formally like to apologize for my foolish acts. I meant no disrespect for what i said and i am sorry. Please consider unbanning me as i would like to continue playing on the server.
You are unbanned, though you no longer have VIP perms as I don't see any reason to let you keep them for nothing like 0.01 which was so funny.
Should have realized what you were saying would have bee seen as disrespectful, maybe you might learn this time.
lol how many times has navy been banned ;D
navy needs his own ban counter in the kz stats sidebar.
i dont like seeing numbers so high they hurt my brain.
navy needs his own ban counter in the kz stats sidebar.
Lol koolio i just came on and saw this.