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Topics - Senpai_Sensai

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / IM back
« on: January 16, 2016, 06:36:36 am »
I was on my FB  and I heard about the server being  back on. Shortly after the  server shut down I was forced to drop out of collage due to money. The government stopped paying for me to go to collage. I stared working at little ceasers 3 months ago. When I find the server IP I'm gona be on more and be on in the mornings due to work. My hours are evening shift. Normally around 3 or 4pm my time to 10pm during weekdays and 11pm on Fridays and Saterdays. Tomorrow I don't work so im gona be on when I wake up. Cool introduction of my return hu.

General Discussions / I didn't see this comeing
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:38:09 am »
Mister sheep sugjested to me I start thinking about collage to become an arcutect in reall life or a carpenter or something in the traid. So that's what I tried out. 2 weeks ago I filled out an application to a community collage but the closest one is 1  1/2 hours away. Yesterday I got my letter and I was accepted. I've been bussy and getting ready to leave. I don't know if I will be near anywhere with internet. But if my absence is to long and I get demoted I understand the descition. I'll find a McDonalds if I have to get on for just 10 mins to 30mins just to post how everything is going. I know soon I will be able to get on for atleast an hour or more to build online with yall. I just hope the server doesn't get shut down before then. Before that does happen though I would like the world maps I build on *my world map and the asteroid complex map* I'm gona miss you guys and I'm gona miss playing online here on Minecraft. Atleast I know I'll be using MC for building ideas. I'm so nurvis, scaried, excided, courius about what my furture will hold.

I love all you guys and I'm gona miss all you. I'll try to be on as soon as possible.

Appeal a ban / Bringing something to justice.
« on: February 28, 2015, 03:26:56 am »
Today Feb 27, 015 , Angel-Beyond noticed that his hoppers where gon he left clicked with his mouse with a wodden pic and that showed the activity of what happened, he wanted to conferm this info with me. . Jmaster0520 distroyed half of his hopepers and stole stuff from them.

Appeal a ban / Banning Kottel for greifing
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:31:13 am »
December 12, 2014- zkings area
Today I was finishing my statue for the new spawn. I Got finished and I asked Woobo23 to WE the statue because it my build and it would look great in my area. WooBo23 We'd the statue and left the area and went afk the only ones left on the server that can do destruction to my area is a staff or higher because its under WorldGaurd. WorldGard protects others from greifing other peoples builds and the only way some one can even break a block, open a chest, or place items if i /ps add (person). The only one on that had staff was Kottel. He came in insensible placing the lave to the statue, i typed to Woobo23 emediatly and hewas afks.

Plez help me bann this monstrosity!!!!
Pic on left distruction, Pic on right SirManSheep helper We the distruction

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