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Messages - johnny

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
General Discussions / Re: my giant thanks to koolio
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:06:52 am »
spawn world? like a.... hub for people to spawn at with helpful signs?

Questions & Help / Re: Help with KZ Launcher
« on: March 09, 2016, 02:41:42 am »
buy yourself minecraft.. not that expensive

General Discussions / Re: Please read
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:02:36 am »
Honestly Kraftzone has always been a great server with all the plugins.. and such I feel we should move on with the server. Bring something new to the table, and let everyone get their creative side out ;) . I think if you remove all the worlds aint the best move to make but as you said leave only 2 old worlds (the most recent ones) and set out 2 new worlds.

And adding new plugins may be interesting sometimes and having new features adding on could mean for the better or the worse.

But always remember we are still a community, we can still confront these problems together :)

Announcements / Re: ∆ What can I say...
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:01:22 am »
There it goes.. Let the server rest in piece ;) I've enjoyed every bit of my time on this server thus aiming my goals and having much fun memories with many of you. I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that it's been a blast!! I couldn't of done it better myself.. I've had so many help from many of you. I've learned and corrected my mistakes. I've made long lasting relationships.. woombo and sea were close friends thus the small community. We worked, we built, we had fun, we never stopped bitching each other and we never said no to kraftzone.

I've been here since 2012 since the day I've joined I've always thought of staying and I did ;D We had our ups and downs but we had a lot of fun in the end. GOD NO! If anyone thinks that this is the end.. WELL it's NOT :p Have faith as we meet again in near future.

It's the community who makes Kraftzone what it is today.. without any of you who enjoyed the server, played and had fun, this server wouldn't be this amazing. Yes, the server was officially put to rest but this isn't the end.. as we gather together someday maybe on another game.

Hope to see yall bros someday **tears
Can't believe it's happening.. Kraftzone is life! Kraftzone is love! Kraftzone shhhr... shreds every other server :))
Thank you all from being a big part of my life you virtual people <33

General Discussions / Build team?
« on: August 25, 2015, 06:22:44 am »
Heyy GUYS!! I have an idea.. how about we make a build team for the server. Essentially, the build team would have to make server projects, help new players, and help on to make themed builds.  :D I don't know if anyone is interested but I think the ideal number for this team would be at least 10 good builder.

Builders  - should be able to build ( any kind of style i.e medieval, modern, simple, punk, ect)

             - should be able to help players in need ( building their first house, building towns)

             - should be able to give ideas to server projects and participate in the process of build
             - should help make the server builds

If you wanna apply for this team, please make an application ( down below )

Should include: IGN
                      Building style: i.e medieval, modern, simple, punk, more
                      Some screenshots or coordinates for your builds: i.e for coords only: 1. x: y: z:     < First build
                                                                                                                      2. x: y: z:     < Second Build
                                                                                                                      ..and so on
                      Something you want to say that might enhance your chances ;)

These applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
             1. The details on the builds
             2. The presentation of the build
             3. The rating of the build by other players ( Staff )

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ ):

How do I apply?
Simply make an application on the bottom of this post, including everything up top. Which includes: your In-game name ( IGN ), building style and some screenshots of your builds.

Do I have to help make server projects?
Essentially, yes. As a member of this team, you have to help out or give ideas to support the builders' ideas.

Does redstone contractions count as builds?
In fact, it does. In many server projects, we can use redstone to make it more alive. If you are good and you have potential with redstone, apply now!

Can non-Staff members join this team?
Yes, this team is for everyone who are good builders. Building ain't for everyone but I know a lot of you have the potential ;)

How will my builds be evaluated?
They will be rated on a scale of 1 to 10. If you're building has a 6 or higher, than your build passes. If the majority of the builds get rated lower than 6, you'll have to improve it or make other builds. They are also evaluated by the number of hours you put into it, the details on your builds ( inside & outside ), the beauty of your build and good skills  :D

If you have any other questions concerning this post or the whereabouts of this new team. Please send me a message on skype: theaznmofo or ask me on the server! I'll be glad to answer.


General Discussions / MOVED: Gone for Summer Camp
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:15:25 am »

General Discussions / Re: Trolling is fun isn't it
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:39:20 pm »
The fun part is why warn you when I can wait and see if you can solve it yourself. While I was vanished, it was quite hilarious seeing you doing all those stuff. But if I warned you then what would you learn, basically nothing. I'm on this server quite longer than you and your friends all together, I know how to do my job. It was the experience to live when you are Support.

As I was saying to you this post is to be taken with seriousness and I'm not joking. If you want to troll again try to not overextend and don't do it to anyone who doesn't like it. Keep it minimal. Or else you know what will happen next.

R.I.P hi123 for underestimating Johnny

General Discussions / Trolling is fun isn't it
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:12:20 pm »
Today, hi123_34 and his comrade (furball02) decided to troll their entire town.. by going invisible and attacking numerous players. They thought it was so funny that they were caught by me.

Tbonefox14, Domo579 and many others are likely those who experienced the worse. I mean what the fuck... they were simply building and didn't harm them at all and they started to troll them.

I didn't mind at all at first.. thought it would be settled after 5 mins max. Lol. nope. Hi123_34 suggested to troll because why not because it's SO HILARIOUS. They wouldn't of done all of this if I wouldn't be AFK/vanished. I mean I did follow them everywhere and sought what they did.. planning and going to hi's base.

For those who thinks trolling is a great way to have fun then go ahead. I suggest you do it to others next time while I'm on. It won't go as pretty ;p. I'm not a serious guy but please don't troll others so they can leave the server or anything. And it was going for about more than 5 mins.

I'm let other staff decide your consequence, but for me next time if you do it again I'm going to punish you and your friends. Am I cleared?

General Discussions / Re: Anyone know whats wrong?
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:49:56 am »
dont be stupid brandon.. lol you know what hacks

General Discussions / Re: Help me please.. desperate
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:52:58 pm »
Kcherry, you should make another post for your situation. And for that you should make it more detailed, I'm sure that "Koolio I cant register" will help him a lot. So please make another post about it and make it more precise. Thanks

General Discussions / Re: Help me please.. desperate
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:50:41 pm »
Never mind.. I found the solution Koolio. Thanks anyways! ;)
Apparently I had not installed java.. weirdly

General Discussions / Re: Help me please.. desperate
« on: June 12, 2015, 10:45:52 pm »
KZ launcher doesn't launch minecraft.. my background just stares at me. Minecraft's window just doesn't seem to appear.

I mean it worked before like a week ago. Then it just stopped working yesterday. I mean I didn't touch anything in particular. I even redownloaded the KZ launcher.. but it didn't do anything

General Discussions / Help me please.. desperate
« on: June 12, 2015, 06:55:48 pm »
Why the hell am I not able to launch ther KZ launcher. I'm not sure what all this means so I'll show you the debug:

Press CTRL+C to copy this text
javaw -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Xmx1024m  -Djava.library.path=C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\versions\1.8-LiteLoader\1.8-LiteLoader-natives -cp C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\libraries\com\mumfrey\liteloader\1.8\liteloader-1.8.jar;
C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\versions\1.8-LiteLoader\1.8-LiteLoader.jar net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch --username Johnny --version 1.8-LiteLoader --gameDir "C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\1.8-LiteLoader" --assetsDir "C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\assets" --assetIndex 1.8 --uuid OFFLINE_MODE --accessToken OFFLINE_MODE --userProperties {"twitch_access_token":["IGNORE"]} --userType mojang --tweakClass com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker

I don't know what it means... I assume it's an error of some sort preventing me to launch it. But I'd like if anyone can tell me. Thanks ;)

General Discussions / Re: Give it back, Tyrone!
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:52:14 am »
Items which can be abused by lower rank players can be a serious problem sometimes. You have no idea in what it could lead to. I can't say anything more because I don't feel that this is going far and it's not like it's a big problem but next time try to understand that sometimes items like creeper eggs might get out of hand especially when you have a stack.

And yes.. creeper's can explode. If it doesn't explode it could probably mean that you were in God mode or something.

General Discussions / Re: Cant get one server.
« on: April 14, 2015, 05:34:30 am »
Guys please stop posting on this post. If you want to talk then go talk on a social media. Please & thank you! ;)

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