> Appeal a ban



Where the hell did I fucking grief. I'm done with this shit, was thinking about donating 50 but fuck this server. Gonna go back to GLD, its better there anyway. I'm donating to get unbanned from GLD. Fucking Koolio banned me for nothing.

You griefed a bunch of buildings with fire

...now are you saying you didn't do that? because the logs have your name on it.

If this was a proper appeal to get unbanned from doing such stupid shit then I'd unban you, but if you're gonna have that attitude about it, and aren't sorry at all for doing that then you can just go.

.. go donate to get unbanned on another server (absurdest thing I've heard all day)

Well whatever alrite, I don't give a shit. I'd rather just play on that server then this. Well gubye to everyone.


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