> Towns

Cool towny idea

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Okay so I play on this server called GLDesert. They have this amazing feature that everyone likes. Its when the owner forces every towns PvP firespread and explosions to be on. Since you can't place TnT you have to make TnT cannons outside your town. You should also be able to buy creeper eggs for about 4K each. And if there is a way to do it..... Make it so that the creeper eggs can blow threw chests. This is a really fun feature and many people, including me love this.

I believe that's called

yes "War"

It's never used on my server because the Towny dev half assed implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

Still there is hope, I had noticed not so long back another developer who had the right idea and was working on plugin for towny, a way of allowing individuals towns to goto war (much better), this takes things out of the Nation context and server "War" for all towns/nations, forcing town owners to goto war just because the of the Nation they are in (which just opens things up to retarded greifers.  Nations which is another stupid thing from Towny that really serves little useful purpose in its current state as it doesn't provide enough finite control on town/player permissions. Right now its only purpose is giving players a way to get a green chat name :P


I don't know.. I've put quite a bit of time into my town and I wouldn't be comfortable seeing all that put to waste...


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