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PC problems
I'm having some pc problems and i hope one of you can help me.
When i try to start, he can't get further than the loading screen before the login.
it just stays there or it stops and starts all over again.
I tried a recovery cd but It doesn't realy work (I'm not a master with computers)
Is there anything i can do about this?
Gr. Fluffy
Well no idea what's caused that, you could try getting the bootmenu holding f8 and seeing if you can get into safemode, if you can do that then its just a matter of getting hold of some tools that can fix possible causes.. ie run checks for virus/trojan etc.. and depending on what is found from that, do fixes.
Really helps having another computer with internet to get help etc. Personally if you've got some other pc to backup your hard drive, then I'd do that asap, then trash your OS and format the drive.. reinstall OS fresh... best way really. Fixing your own pc is great way to learn techy shit fast.
yeah i reinstalled windows but my internet still isn't working.
I had to buy a new pc anyway but im not sure what to buy.
i found a great pc but i dont know if it is good enough, this is it:
intel core i5 processor
ddr3 ram 8GB
nvidia geforce gt620
1.5 TB HDD
and windows 8
I would go with that, since the ram is nice and the intel core is i5, though if you can find an i7 it would be better.
you wont feel a big diffrence between i7 and i5
might wanna get a better gfx card like the 660-680 or 560-580 nvidia cards
also i wouldnt get windows 8
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