> General Discussions

Newbie Town Fund


Hey there, SantaKlaws here and I want to announce something new that I am starting. This is called the Newbie Town Fund, or NTF as I will refer to it for now on. The NTF is a fund solely based on my own ability to gain money, and donations from others. What I plan to do, is that if you're a newbie and don't want to spend half your day earning money to start a town, you post something here. This would be a short (3-5 sentence long) paragraph about why I should give you 25k to let you start your town. Although you may think that I'm scamming, you don't have to donate to this. I can earn the money myself if you think I will take your money. You may be refunded under special circumstances however, if you do choose to donate. Note for all newbies: you may and will be denied if your paragraph is either too short, or uses texting language/bad grammar. I will make a list of towns that I have chosen to donate for right here, so you can look at this first post and discover if you will be funded or not. After we pay you, we expect for you to make the town. Too much abuse by veteran players who pretend to be newbies will cause the NTF to shut down, so don't steal money that could be going somewhere useful.

Here is the application format you should use; respond in paragraph form and omit the italicized words.

What are you thinking of naming your town?
Why should the NTF fund you?
How long have you been playing Kraftzone?

---End Application, do not respond to this or anything below it---

Accepted Towns
Denied Towns

If you are denied, you are welcome to make another application, however after 1 week I will have to ask you to not make anymore applications, as that is the approximate time it takes to earn 25k if you have school.

If you are going to donate, please tell me before you do because there's a certain account all donators should send the money to. This account is ninjakiwi240, who is my alternate account, and will hold all the NTF money.


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