> General Discussions
Minecraft 1.4
Anyboyd else having problems with updating Minecraft 1.4.2
What sort of problems?
Only good thing
In 1.4 is carrots and potatoes...an somr other noises and tweaks.. Whitches are turning minecraft into an RPG...
frames, dyeable armor, heads, anvils, omg this is a good update content wise in my opinion but not admin type things wise
Ok ive got to say the Heads, Anvils, Dyeable leather armor(good for pvp servers now and the likes) frames(for labeling chests and such) New foods like carrots and potatoes pumpkin pie poisnous baked potato and gold carrot are pretty cool i guess and the Villager infection thing is cool too...But the Wither, Witches, Mobs having armor, beacons, INVISIBILTY POTIONS....serousily.....all these things in my opionon are ruining minecraft...soon its gonna be soo stupid i think. But just to make sure this is MY opinon so dont start trash talking me because it doesnt affect you in any way im just stating what i think
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