> General Discussions

[1.3-1.4] Maliwan Town Recruitment Thread

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Minecraft username: Zoarfy

Time spent on Minecraft probably 2 years, since beta 1.3 came out

What skill are you best at: building and mining

Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: yes, if i am told to do something i will do it. It isnt that hard to follow orders and if it would make the town better I see no reason not to

What timezone are you in: Eastern daylight time

Why do you wish to join: I like to be part of a community and i feel if i joined your town i could help out. another reason that i want to join your town is because you seem like a nice person (offering to help me out with towny)

Other things about you: Minecraft is my favorite game, closely followed by borderlands/borderlands 2

Zoarfy, Accepted. Welcome to Maliwan, I hope you enjoy your (hopefully until next reset) stay!

Minecraft username:samsammy42

Time spent on Minecraft: since 1.2.5 came out. I joined Kraftzone the 11th October 2012
What skill are you best at: Better at mining then building

Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: yes,ill do your commands
What timezone are you in: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Why do you wish to join:Because I don't have a town and I like your town its nice.I cant still help you building some houses that you need to build,even if im not good at building stuffs

Other things about you: I can speak English,french and Tagalog.
Tagalog=The official language of the Philippines
Maybe ill have alot of wrong spellings and stuffs because i am not the United States i am born in Montreal,Canada i speak better French then English
sorry for wrong spellings and stuffs :)

samsammy: Denied. sorry, but your application wasn't in-depth enough. You may reapply as soon as you want however.



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