> General Discussions

Warhub greif.

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--- Quote from: LunarBrick on October 25, 2012, 02:42:37 am ---People that gathered information: LunarBrick, pepsi87, ShawnoTize, 4132austin

--- End quote ---
Im the one who found it, so I should get my own bullet point  :D

You found the grief, but we found the people who griefed sooo.. :D

add taser161

Wow, this is almost half the server.

I have some Information...Ok First i did some Outside work nearby the warhub and gathered some info...turns out DarkEveness Or something like that(i have screenshots) lives right next to it. Then i found out that Voster1 Lived close by because i found a workbench nearby. I also was Xraying for info and found a chest near the spawn of the Arena That me and lunar were checking out after we checked out the heavly griefed one.But i didnt dig it up because i dont want you to think that i was griefing :P


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