> General Discussions
Godfathr is getting me very very mad.
(Sry no screenshots don't know how to will try to learn how)Almost all the time I help someone Godfathr says stuff like "Yeah and even though you got griefed -Staff don't do Sh*t" and I have been doing this since my last post of fathr and brandon I have warned so many times I have muted in past and he makes it so awful to even get on KZ I might as well not get on when he is on because if someone asks for a sponge or if they got griefed he will say some smart alec remark and he spams cuss words, caps and it is anoying as hell I have helped him in past but he still says -Staff don't help for crap just getting it out there.
Yes austin it seems like he disrespects you and sometime other staff members
i wasnt going on tonight but when i read this i got on and told godfathr "what was up" because i get pissed when someone disrespects a staff but especially the whole team, there is no excuse for it and let this be a warning to other to not disrespect staff because it shows me you have no respect for the server, and austin was the only on at the time and he can only help one person at a time and people need to understand that, so dont say we dont do anything because we are constantly bussy.
Da godfathr most likely won't evar read this thread ..
Sadly, like most of my threads. ;(
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