> General Discussions
Server (Not down anymore ignore this)
Sorry guys I'm aware server is down..
I literally cannot do anything to get it back up right now...
Server crashed due to the fact that someone elses server had used up all the diskspace. Which leaves my bukkit server trying to save files when there is no diskspace. The result is 0byte files, lossed save data and a crashed server. Unfortunately any space I free up on my account, is being chewed up by some other clients server eating up a TON of space.
Therefore I cannot restore files from earlier backup, I cannot even start the server up due to there being no space.
Just letting you know, the sad story is that I'm out tomorrow, and server will probably still be down as there is no point in it being put back on by the server host once they actually get my support ticket to sort this mess out. Simply because without files being restored towny will be inactive and that will be way to much greifer potential.
Koolio when will you run the server again? on monday?
Pretty sure it will be back up today/saturday...
allright i will be waiting then.
"When the server goes to shit, you may host Sly"
Only temporary. I'd be more than glad to.
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