> General Discussions
Dirt boat :DDDDD
The KZ Dirt Battle cruiser made by LunarBrick, Bluedudex2, and Thomas
It is a dirty floating abomination, not a boat ... :D
Only one thing for it I say .... it needs to be put out of its misery, tnt cannon style.
I'll shall inform admiral _bullitz as to its where abouts, so that he may take care of it. I think he might have gotten better at building boats I'm not sure..
Lol, time to die boaty!
We get a prize for building this awesome dirt floating abomination right Koolio? :D
--- Quote from: LunarBrick on October 11, 2012, 04:45:51 am ---We get a prize for building this awesome dirt floating abomination right Koolio? :D
--- End quote ---
If you mean the prize of seeing it blown to smithereens? :D
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