> General Discussions
Advertise help.
How do i advertise the kraftzone pic? Like the one koolio has below his comments.
(Its the thingy in the top left corner of this website.)
How do i put it onto my profile?
Here we go, if more Kz players used these banners, it would help advertise the server on whichever gaming/forum/sites etc you visit:
--- Code: ---HTML CODE:
<img src="http://kraftzone.tk/signature/server.png">
BBCODE (Use this for most forums):
--- End code ---
Here is the other smaller banner:
--- Code: ---HTML CODE:
<img src="http://kraftzone.tk/signature/status.png">
BBCODE (Use this for most forums):
--- End code ---
http://kraftzone.tk/signature/static.png (updated every 5mins, however the timezone might not be right)
Thanks Koolio ;D
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