> General Discussions

Ytsen is mean and rude to me.

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or a joke -_-

I knew people would try to back up Ytsen just because he is support, no point of posting this because everyone dick rides ytsen so whatever. And lunar he called me faggot MANY times. It's no joke he says it all the time. And "superadmin" fuck off sly, just wanted people to know how Ytsen treats me.

Happytoe I don't see the point, if you're gonna complain about it then the last thing you do is screenshot something with your own words making silly insults that start it off. I wouldn't get all uptight by the warning either, spamguard throws them out all the time :P

Fyi, spamguard is somewhat broken atm :D

Yea i was using m chat talking to lunar then i got kicked and i cant get back on ATM


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