> General Discussions

Stop Before i do it for you

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I won't do anything to kz. _zxi_ will destroy it. His fried s are already to erase all of he towns, homes, buildings, chests, and a lot more. His friends can do something really bad to he server that you will cy. Hell unban me and op me if they do so that's them hacking.

Brick, if you're doing ANY activities that involves hacking with your friends YOU and YOUR FRIENDS will get in trouble, not just him.

It's funny because he's 12 and he can supposedly HACK kraftzone when you don't even know what trouble you're getting yourself into T_T, Honestly its a server calm down if people hate you on the internet or a game, you don't have to make a big deal brick about "Hacking the server"

Rofl @ Brick saying his friends will hack KraftZone.

Unless you have some long term 2 year plan to get op, you can't do shit. It's like those kids who look up to Team Avo as some elite hacking group. All they do is get a stupid Admin to give them op so they can grief the fuck out of it.

One does not simply hack. Unless you are Chuck Norris. He can shove his dick into a USB slot and gain access to the CIA... ;)

say your friends will hack one more time and i will not hesitate to report you brick, honestly you dont know what trouble you will get into so stop now, and you will get in trouble for starting the threats which like i said is a offense, and you will get in trouble just for that


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