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Walking on a Tightrope. Help me not fall

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Look...many of you claim that im a being annoying somehow but w/e what i want to say is im on a thin line and its not getting any bigger. I need help. Please tell me What you think about me so i can try ane change my ways. I want to be everyones friend and be totally helpful. Please go as far as saying " your a bitch" please ill help me realise what i need to get straight and be specific please. I love KZ and am sorry for the shit ive done. Walking on a thin line is not a fun place to be.thanks

Anything please i want to have a great time on KZ and enhance othr players great times as much as possible

Reads title and thinks... JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL! XP

Lol take my feet and control them lol but seriously i want and NEED to change :/

Here's some advice I can give:
1)Stay positive to people. Most likey they'll be positive to you
2)Avoid talking with your enemies. They'll probably make you angry and make you start cussing
3)Help out people for reputation (Maybe..?)

That's all for now I can think of.


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