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My Last Goodbyes and My Will...Koolio PLease Dont Delete This

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Come on Koolio have a heart I really do miss Shawno. He was SOOOOO funny :(

Thanks for saying "Espically pepsi" BUT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME NOTHING.
Oh and yea ill miss you shawn.
ide still like somthing, please. :-[

he's funny   :-\   well if you mean his "jokes" then yes it was funny to see him trying to be funny with saying lame jokes,  "koolio have a heart" he did what was needed, and i bet he would have got banned sooner if i haven't had forgotten to tell koolio that shawno disrespects staff because of his "im king and if you do something to me your a dick" attitude, honestly, i cant see why anyone would miss shawno, if i was koolio, i would post all the chat logs from him to show shawno's true colors on his time in kraftzone.  And in this goodbye, he is basically making backstabbing comments basically saying, " bye losers, i have a life and you dont, you will be missed by me... NOT" .  Thats just my opinion on this whole "get shawno back on KZ" movement happytoe.

Well HappyToe12 its on Shawno to prove he can be a decent player on the server and not cause drama. You don't have the big picture of all the crap that lead upto his ban in the first place. He also has disrespect for me still, so that's like chances of getting back on server near zero. Other than that, I wouldn't have any issue with unbanning him. I just don't think its necessary as from what he's said he's moving on now so yeh :)

Lol ok then pespi u can have 20k if i even have that much. And koolio u can unban me idc but its been about a month so yea and you seem to keep carrying it on im not saying anything or saying koolio sucks but u keep saying shit about me..im the one disrespecting you..? yea..ok


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