> General Discussions

I Kinda Miss Shawno

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no i should have said 1. you cuss 24/6 (there was one day that i saw you not cuss while i was on but only one) 2. you hate arrow and kill (you know why :)  ) 3. i agree :P

and also it's kinda hard to forgive you when you disrespected me and copy when you got the chance, and i was hard on you because you kept trying to justify your wrong doing with excuses you used on me and copy all the time, and you told me how i should do my job so 1. i dont miss you 2. i think how brick expresses his not-liking fro people is wrong 3. im not TRYING to be a ass, im just telling it like it is, and if it comes off that way then sorry, im just saying

ok 1. I dont cuss like a sailor 2. me and him are alright and we dont fight anymore and kill got banned so. 3 why do we always fight?

1. sometimes 2. i thought you still had a grudge with arrow, sorry 3. why are we do a 1,2,3 list

1. ok i admit sometimes im on my man period. 2. nope were good. 3. idk but why do we always fight?

1. every  one has those from time to time 2. k 3. until you say im sorry for disrespecting you XD jk, i dont say this is a fight, but a heated debate :D


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