My God...its finally been done. Kraftzone is gone... So many memories. So many friends and enemies have been made here. Im gonna miss this server.
I still remember when I first joined back in Pinecrest. Back when the server was full all the time, where it took around 6 mins just to get in... Thank You Koolio, So Goddamn much. You made this server so amazing, a true work of art. Where friends could just mess around for fun. You made that all possible. This was the last place where I could play MC in peace and the last reason to play... And I just need to thank you.
A memorial of anyone who made a little bit of KZ history:Dilly2k
And most importantly...Koolio
(By the way theres like 47 other people as well
Thanks again Koolio for everything. From putting up with my shit a little while back, to hosting probably one of the best servers ever. *Tips Fedora* Thank you from Pinecrest to Komaquest to now Quon Grene (Sp00ky Edition)
And thank you everyone who was a friend, or just made me have a good time. You da real MVP. You were the few who joined Millway, and who stuck through extaccys reign of terror. Thank you so much as well.
(Now I should really get back to the report I need to type...)