I hear you guys.. it really has gone no where
Problem with the site is that yes its very minecraft ..still hard to really change that when you have no idea what to change it to yet which is why I kinda leave it. Though I have been looking at newer forums to use in the future to replace it with... but to me it would be silly to remove what the website looks like now when there is no real new content or direction to replace it with and archive the current forum/wiki/gallery etc..
But this fourm is so much minecraft, in which i dont mind but it does kind of leave off a broken kind of vibe that you know theres stuff going on otherwise
yeh, kraftzone is left off at minecraft, but everytime the idea of replacing the site with something new and fresh, the problem becomes what is kraftzone... and who would use it and why.. its like i setup the kz discord server.. it rarely gets used by anyone... there no real community for it and its not really based around anything anymore that does bring people to it. personally i don't care for discord.. i'm more inclined to have a kraftzone have its own like better shoutbox/irc like chat built into the site, with a newer forum and site.. but even if that was all done.. and the current stuff archived out of sight but still accessible.. what should kraftzone website be and look like, and most importantly what would be about.. its not gaming development (programming, art, 3d etc) cus I don't think anyone here currently is into it at any level even though i am. And its not really about games as no one really talks about other games here. So alot of it just rests on me completing other things and circling back to kraftzone and redoing the site for that purpose..
Anyway still don't really have much intention to run a game server for other games either though its been suggested a number of times by people who played on the mc/rust/7dtd/ark servers or want me to run a server for whatever new game .. though I should say that I have been thinking of putting the kz minecraft server up in december to the end of year just as tradition to old times.
Still as far as running a game server the intention is still to reboot kraftzone with its own game... but i'm honestly just slow at it, its a learning thing, motivation thing, and haven't been focused on it that much either these past few months... I know I had the snowdenhail game up for a while for testing, that got put on hold when the developer behind the voxel codebase was busy with other things over the summer. He's now doing a bit more on it again actually, so I'll probably get back to working that project again, it was kinda left off at the point where floating blocks would collapse, and I had some code to make that work for buildings using an algorithm.. but there were bugs and I was at a roadblock as to how to fix it.. the problem was with the voxel engine itself due to the way it was optimized.. it was calculating mesh updates and colliders at different times causing weird things to happen which was frustrating me in trying to resolve it, so it got put on hold.
I started another less ambitious (lol that's what I told myself ) mobile/pc game taking some of the work I had done on snowdenhail and that made some progress (it was going to end up a bit like Diep.io ofc later ideas came up like adding elements of 'ftl' (faster than light) on it... even took it to a local gamedev meet up to show it off, it got some good feedback.. but then I turned to working on the multiplayer and during august I had managed to gain access the unity's server.dll which isn't publicly released yet... however after using that for the multiplayer backend of the newer project, another road block was hit in the way I wanted to use it. When I asked unity about making some changes to closed source code that would allow me to use the server.dll without it breaking my server frontend gui.. they didn't want to bother (due to it having to support different os platforms), and being closed source I couldn't just make the changes myself.. its annoying because it killed my motivation to use that for the project even though I was beta testing it for them..is always a work around for these things but it wasn't what I wanted.. so I'm still looking at other networking api's to use for the mulitplayer.
And the past few months I've just been busy with other things ..one of being looking for a new job, interviews, etc which just sucks some time on doing your own things.. to the point where just playing a game is about as much as I want to do.. so if you ever see me on teamspeak playing other games with the peeps on there.. well y'know where that free time is going... its not working on useful projects I guess :/
I will be getting back to it soon though already have this past week actually.. oh yeah and the other reason not much gamedev work progress is that unity 2017.2 and 2017.3 have been plagued with bugs that for some reason I just keep hitting the worst ones.. lol I did end up winning a freaking tshirt for reporting all these damn bugs so that was ok I guess

.. but not so much progress on any of my game. For game studio's they tend to stick to one released version and never upgrade until the game is done, me I like to try out the new features of newer releases which is really a problem when they don't get the bugs fixed..so starting next week unity 2017.3 b11 should be out and that should fix the last few bugs I had, and then I can get back to it again and just stick to using 2017.3 until I actually make some more progress on a game
Kraftzone not so much the server (even though it was the greatest out there when I played Minecraft I meant "kraftzone") but the community is what I miss, the players that created it, the havoc that was caused, the ability to hop on and play for hours, meeting new people, seeings friends names pop up when the connected is what I miss. I know some of these people are long gone now but the memories still live. But at this point I miss the hobby.. Having something there, that was always there and so welcoming is what I miss, until the darker and slower days of Kz there was never a dull moment.
yeh I miss it aswel.. it was fun, I have no idea what the future is and if kz will ever have a community like that again or a game that enables it.. but keeping the dream alive is where its at right now.
Kraftzone was a big thing for me since I was like 12 I believe, 6 years and I'm still typing on these pages. Going back and reading my ridiculous posts and Bob adventures is so entertaining and is what this server is built upon. I'm not asking for a miracle because we've already got it. We just have to do something with it.
I'm not sure if I ever brought it up but Bob the character /thread was pretty funny, I've had ideas about bob adventures as a game before.. how I thought about it was that you play another character (character creation thing/name etc) who has been screwed over by Bob in someway, and its really your adventure in the game trying to track down this Bob character, who's having his own adventure, probably using your identity for things and causing you all kinds of trouble as you deal with all of Bobs shit and the number of bad guys after you or protecting Bob.. thinking of it top down shooter..
if you had other ideas, or want to contribute ideas, mood boards, art styles etc of how it could look then by all means.
Hell my biggest problem is for any of these games I'm doing is getting artwork done, things like gfx for things, what sort of item pickups to have etc..how things should look... its something I'm not that good at it, so is many areas I would gladly take on third party help and maybe setup another forum board for it.. but I kinda feel like most you those who still come to check kz website aren't really into that sort of thing, but who knows?
or run a video game forums of our own?
I had an idea of starting a itch.io/tech/gaming website a while back.. it somewhat rests on a specific domain name coming up for sale... this domain name squatter who has done nothing at all with the name for years and renewed it again a few months ago...still I've been learning asp.net/core2.0 as I'm wanting to use that for the backend...either for that or kz new website.
Anyway yeh always doing things, its just nothing that is directly improving kz right now.
I'll take your cat picture pepsi, and show you this gif video of this silly bengal cat (sisters cat) I had to look after a while back

the question you have to ask is how long do you think he held onto that shelf like that hehe