> General Discussions



Koolio could you sticky this SINCE I CANT ANYMORE.
Anyway this is for your favorite spongebob quotes/memes. I wanted to make this to spark a little life in the forums, and who doesn't like spongebob, so feel free to post them but they have to be funny! These are my favorite squidward quotes, I love his character because he's such a downer, wiseass, and just an asshole in general.
"I order the food, you cook the food. The customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die."

"I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me."

''The only culture that guy has is in his tennis shoes..."

"Why don't you ask CowBob RanchPants and his faithful companion, Sir Eats A Lot?"

"If I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar"

"My thighs..."

"Does this look unsure to you?"

Heres an example.

This is funny, just slap a brazzers label and you're good.

And this is not funny, its just poor use of the image.

"He burnt my meme" Instead of "'He burnt my shake"


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